How to parse a poem into fragments on a Mac (or Linux)

How to parse a poem into fragments on a Mac (or Linux)

I'm a beginner at internet programming so this is pretty chancy, but at least it has been tested once by someone besides me (maybe).
  1. Download the McGee.tar to your desktop.
  2. Double click on it to unpack it getting a folder named McGee.
  3. Drag McGee into your Application folder and look inside it for a file named "do"
  4. Double click on the file named "do". It should tell you that it has created in your Documents folder a folder named McGee.
  5. In your Documents/McGee find a file named index.html . Drag that file on top of the dock icon for Safari or FireFox. You now have an offline web site for McGee. Leave the browser open to see your changes.
  6. Save a copy of the file /Applications/McGee/data" in case your editor breaks it.
  7. Using an editor such as TextEdit (comes with all Macs) make some changes in the file named "data". You will later replace the data file by the data (another poem) of your choice.
  8. Find the file "do" double click on it again
  9. To see your changes refresh your Firefox or Safari window with apple-R.
  10. If you want PDF files, you need to make them yourself (with Preview).