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The operation $ y_i = \sum_j b_{ij} x_j$ is the multiplication of a matrix $\bold B$ by a vector $\bold x$.The adjoint operation is $\tilde x_j = \sum_i b_{ij} y_i$.The operation adjoint to multiplication by a matrix is multiplication by the transposed matrix (unless the matrix has complex elements, in which case we need the complex-conjugated transpose). The following pseudocode does matrix multiplication $\bold y=\bold B\bold x$ and multiplication by the transpose $\tilde \bold x = \bold B' \bold y$:

		if operator itself
		 		then erase y
		if adjoint
		 		then erase x
		do iy = 1, ny {
		do ix = 1, nx {
		 		if operator itself
		 		 		y(iy) = y(iy) + b(iy,ix) $\times$ x(ix)
		 		if adjoint
		 		 		x(ix) = x(ix) + b(iy,ix) $\times$ y(iy)
		 }		 }

Notice that the ``bottom line'' in the program is that x and y are simply interchanged. The above example is a prototype of many to follow, so observe carefully the similarities and differences between the operation and its adjoint.

A formal subroutine[*] for matrix multiply and its adjoint is found below. The first step is a subroutine, adjnull(), for optionally erasing the output. With the option add=1, results accumulate like y=y+B*x.  

subroutine adjnull( adj, add, x, nx,  y, ny )
integer ix, iy,     adj, add,    nx,     ny
real                          x( nx), y( ny )
if( add == 0 )
        if( adj == 0 )
                do iy= 1, ny 
                        y(iy) = 0.
                do ix= 1, nx 
                        x(ix) = 0. 
return; end

The subroutine matmult() for matrix multiply and its adjoint exhibits the style that we will use repeatedly.  

# matrix multiply and its adjoint
subroutine matmult( adj, add, bb,        x,nx,  y,ny)
integer ix, iy,     adj, add,              nx,    ny
real                          bb(ny,nx), x(nx), y(ny)
call adjnull(       adj, add,            x,nx,  y,ny)
do ix= 1, nx {
do iy= 1, ny {
        if( adj == 0 )
                        y(iy) = y(iy) + bb(iy,ix) * x(ix)
                        x(ix) = x(ix) + bb(iy,ix) * y(iy)
return; end

Sometimes a matrix operator reduces to a simple row or a column.

A row    is a summation operation.

A column is an impulse response.

If the inner loop of a matrix multiply ranges within a

row,    the operator is called sum or pull.

column, the operator is called spray or push.

A basic aspect of adjointness is that the adjoint of a row matrix operator is a column matrix operator. For example, the row operator [a,b]
y \eq
\left[ \ a \ b \ \right] 
 x_1 \\  x_2\end{array}\right] 
a x_1 + b x_2\end{displaymath} (1)
has an adjoint that is two assignments:
 \hat x_1 \\  \hat x_2
 a \\  b
 \end{array} \right]
 \ y\end{displaymath} (2)

The adjoint of a sum of N terms is a collection of N assignments.

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