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Dispersion relations

Substituting the definitions (60) into equation (65) et. seq. gives dispersion relationships for comparison to the exact expression (59).

 5^\circ : \quad\quad\quad & k_z \eq & \displaystyle {\strut\om...
 ...2\,{\omega\over v} - 
 {\strut v k_x^2\over 2\omega}}} 
 \nonumber\end{eqnarray} (65)

Identification of i kz with $ \partial / \partial z $ converts the dispersion relations (65) into the differential equations
 5^\circ : \quad\quad& \displaystyle {\strut \partial P\over \p...
 ...a\over v} - 
 {\strut v k_x^2\over 2\omega}}} \right) P
 \nonumber\end{eqnarray} (66)
which are extrapolation equations for when velocity depends only on depth.

The differential equations above in Table [*].4 were based on a dispersion relation that in turn was based on an assumption of constant velocity. Surprisingly, these equations also have validity and great utility when the velocity is depth-variable, v = v(z). The limitation is that the velocity be constant over each depth ``slab'' of width $\Delta z$ over which the downward-continuation is carried out.

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Stanford Exploration Project