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Estimating the inverse gradient

To optimize the fitting goal (74), module unwrap() uses the conjugate-direction method like the modules cgmeth() [*] and invstack() [*]. unwrapInverse 2-D gradient An open question is whether the required number of iterations is reasonable or whether we would need to uncover a preconditioner or more rapid solution method. I adjusted the frame size (by the amount of smoothing in Figure [*]) so that I would get the solution in about ten seconds with 400 iterations. Results are shown in Figure [*].

Figure 5
Estimated altitude.

[*] view burn build edit restore

To summarize, the input is the phase map Figure [*] and the output is the altitude map in Figure [*]. Oddly, the input looks maybe nicer than the output because it already looks something like a contour plot. So if we have a beauty contest, then the input beats the output, but if you need to have the (normalized) altitude h(x,y), not the phase of eih(x,y), then you need to solve the least squares problem.

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Stanford Exploration Project