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Triangular patches

patch ! triangular I have been running patching code for several years and my first general comment is that realistic applications often call for patches of different sizes and different shapes. (Tutorial, non-interactive Fortran code is poorly suited to this need.) Raw seismic data in particular seems more suited to triangular shapes. It is worth noting that the basic concepts in this chapter have ready extension to other shapes. For example, a rectangular shape could be duplicated into two identical patches; then data in one could be zeroed above the diagonal and in the other below; you would have to allow, of course, for overlap the size of the filter. Module pef [*] automatically ignores the zeroed portion of the triangle, and it is irrelevant what mis2() [*] does with a zeroed portion of data, if a triangular footprint of weights is designed to ignore its output.
 Code the linear operator
 $ \bold W_{\rm wall} \bold P' \bol...
 Divide all values in that patch by this amount.
 Reassemble patches.\end{exer}

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Stanford Exploration Project