I began from my earlier two-dimensional code
and made the obvious extensions to three dimensions.
For example,
converting subroutine icaf2() to the 3-D version
icaf3() gives a subroutine that convolves
a volume over a volume to get a volume.
When we need a 2-D filter,
we pick a3=1 and with it,
subroutine icaf3()
convolves the planar filter throughout the input volume
and thus gives an output volume.
When we want a monoplane filter orthogonally oriented,
we take a2=1 but a3=2.
To put the LOcal in LOMOPLAN we use subcubes (bricks).
Recall that we can do 2-D LOMOPLAN with
the prediction-error subroutine lopef2() .
To do 3-D LOMOPLAN we need to make two calls to subroutine
one for the x-axis in-line planar filters
and one for the y-axis crossline filters.
That is what I will try next time
I install this book on a computer with a bigger memory.