Next: Linear theory
Up: Biondi & Sava: Wave-equation
Previous: Introduction
We estimate velocity by iteratively
migrating the prestack data and
looping through the following steps:
- 1.
- Downward continuation with current velocity,
- 2.
- Extraction of common-image gathers from prestack wavefields
Prucha et al. (1999),
- 3.
- Residual prestack migration of common-image gathers,
- 4.
- Estimation of image perturbation from the results of residual
prestack migration, and
- 5.
- Estimation of velocity perturbation from image perturbations.
The core technical element of the method is the estimation
of velocity perturbations from image perturbations.
The next section presents the linear theory that enables
us to achieve this goal.
Next: Linear theory
Up: Biondi & Sava: Wave-equation
Previous: Introduction
Stanford Exploration Project