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- Alkhalifah, T., and Fomel, S., 1997, Residual migration in VTI media using anisotropy continuation: SEP-94, 327-337.
- Alkhalifah, T., and Rampton, D., 1997a, Seismic anisotropy in Trinidad: Processing and interpretation: SEP-94, 299-325.
- Alkhalifah, T., and Rampton, D., 1997b, Seismic anisotropy in trinidad: More parameter estimation: SEP-95, 205-218.
- Alkhalifah, T., Fomel, S., and Biondi, B., 1997, Time-domain anisotropic processing in arbitrarily inhomogeneous media: SEP-95, 77-99.
- Alkhalifah, T., 1997a, An acoustic wave equation for anisotropic media: SEP-95, 283-307.
- Alkhalifah, T., 1997b, An anisotropic Marmousi model: SEP-95, 265-282.
- Alkhalifah, T., 1997c, Prestack time migration for anisotropic media: SEP-94, 263-298.
- Alkhalifah, T., 1998, The fast marching method in spherical coordinates: SEG/EAGE salt-dome model: SEP-97, 251-264.
- Berryman, J. G., 1996, Range of the P-wave anisotropy parameter for finely layered VTI media: SEP-93, 177-190.
- Cunha, C., 1990, Traveltime inversion of a cross well dataset for elliptically anisotropic media: SEP-67, 31-40.
- Dellinger, J., and Muir, F., 1985, Axisymmetric anisotropy I : Kinematics: SEP-42, 1-24.
- Dellinger, J., and Muir, F., 1991, The double elliptic approximation in the group and phase domains: SEP-70, 361-366.
- Dellinger, J., and van Trier, J., 1990, Anisotropic finite difference traveltimes: SEP-65, 59-66.
- Dellinger, J., Muir, F., and Etgen, J., 1990, Putting Schoenberg Muir to the test: SEP-65, 157-166.
- Dellinger, J., 1985a, Some anisotropic modeling examples: SEP-44, 63-66.
- Dellinger, J., 1985b, Two domains of anisotropy: SEP-44, 59-62.
- Dellinger, J., 1988, Wavefield separation in anisotropic media: SEP-59, 55-72.
- Dellinger, J., 1989, Anisotropic travel time inversion with error bars : Theory: SEP-60, 253-260.
- Dellinger, J., 1991, Finite-difference traveltimes: SEP-69, 114-136.
- Etgen, J., 1987, Finite difference elastic anisotropic wave propagation: SEP-56, 23-58.
- Fomel, S., and Grechka, V., 1996, On nonhyperbolic reflection moveout in anisotropic media: SEP-92, 135-158.
- Guiziou, J. L., 1988, Three dimensional ray tracing in anisotropic media: SEP-57, 207-226.
- Jacobs, B., 1979, Velocity anisotropy: SEP-16, 227-231.
- Jacobs, B., 1982, Pseudo-p and pseudo-s waves in a hexagonally anisotropic earth: SEP-34, 89.
- Ji, J., 1990, Anisotropic velocity analysis: SEP-65, 261-270.
- Karrenbach, M., and Muir, F., 1994, The quest for anisotropic moveout: SEP-82, 91-96.
- Karrenbach, M., Nichols, D., and Muir, F., 1992, Modeling reflections from the Austin chalk - A practical application of azimuthal anisotropy: SEP-75, 251-272.
- Karrenbach, M., 1989, Velocity and Q in transverse isotropic media: SEP-60, 271-284.
- Karrenbach, M., 1990, A general theory for equivalent media: SEP-67, 5-10.
- Karrenbach, M., 1991a, Anisotropic scalar imaging using the double elliptic approximation: SEP-70, 123-130.
- Karrenbach, M., 1991b, Prestack reverse time migration in anisotropic media: SEP-70, 113-122.
- Michelena, R., and Muir, F., 1991, Anisotropic tomography: SEP-70, 201-226.
- Michelena, R. J., 1992, Kinematic ray tracing in anisotropic layered media: Practical details: SEP-73, 345-360.
- Muir, F., and Dellinger, J., 1985, A practical anisotropic system: SEP-44, 55-58.
- Muir, F., and Dellinger, J., 1988, A calculus for layered elastic media: SEP-57, 179-190.
- Muir, F., and Nichols, D., 1989, Elastic properties of fractured rocks: SEP-61, 235-242.
- Muir, F., 1987, Layered models, equivalence, and Abelian groups: SEP-56, 59-70.
- Muir, F., 1990, A modified aniostropic system: SEP-67, 41-42.
- Muir, F., 1993, A result in equivalent medium theory: SEP-77, 319-324.
- Nichols, D., and Karrenbach, M., 1990, What is equivalent in an equivalent medium ?: SEP-67, 1-4.
- Nichols, D., 1988, Building anisotropic models: SEP-57, 191-206.
- Nichols, D., 1989, A comparison of two models for the elastic properties of fractured rock: SEP-60, 261-270.
- Popovici, M., and Muir, F., 1989, Modeling anisotropic porous rocks: SEP-60, 295-302.
- Woodward, M., and Muir, F., 1985, Anisotropic NMO removal: SEP-44, 67-74.
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