ABSTRACTThe release of this report coincides with the release of new version of the SEP software "SEPlib". The new version of SEPlib contains a significant number of new features that allows better handling of 3-D data. The release also includes support for running Seismic Unix (SU) programs with SEP data, a new installation mechanism, and machine independent makefile rules that should allow easy building of SEP reports. |
INTRODUCTION SEPlib in its current form began in the early 1990s as a collection of utility and graphic programs (, ). In 1994 () introduced a new I/O interface that made working with files, pipes, and sockets a much simpler matter. In 1995 SEP began adding the ability to work with 3-D and irregular data, creating SEP3D (). These changes allowed SEP students to begin working with 3-D data, but it was notoriously difficult. The initial software was buggy (especially when dealing with large files), the process to read the data could be convoluted, and there was a lack of utility programs that could deal with 3-D data. In the process of adding the ability to deal with 3-D datasets and new platforms, the amount of time spent on general code maintenance decreased. As a result SEPlib became difficult to install and difficult to use.
The new version of SEPlib fixes many of the problems seen in earlier versions. A number of new functions and programs have been added to deal with irregular data and large data sizes. In addition two new libraries have been added. The first simplifies the accessing of data, and the second, complimentary, library allows SU programs to be used with SEPlib datasets. To make it easier to use SEPlib a new installation mechanism has been added. The new install mechanism not only makes it easier to install SEPlib, but also to use the software written for this and other SEP reports. 3-D SUPPORT The design of SEPlib3D seemed ideal for 3-D data. Unfortunately, as is often the case, the path from design to implementation was littered with seen and unforeseen hurdles. At this time we have overcome many of these stumbling blocks.
Large files
One problem when handling 3-D data is there large size. Much of SEPlib used
an int to specify the location within a file. Unfortunately, the dynamic
range of an int is limited to 2GB. As a result, many of the SEPlib
library had to be rewritten to handle the additional file size in a rather
opaque manner that could still efficiently access files.
In addition to dealing with the 2GB limit in our own software, we had to overcome problems with Unix systems and standards that did not account for more than 2GB file sizes. For example, only recently has Linux begun to support file sizes over 2GB and portable tar's are limited to 2GB files. To get around these limitations Dave Nichols wrote some preliminary support for multiple-file datasets. This support has been expanded upon to allow the user to create a dataset composed of multiple files, each not exceeding a user provided file size in Megabytes filesize.
The support for multiple file dataset provided two other benefits. First, the dreaded File system full error is avoided. By specifying multiple directories for the datapath datapath=/scrka1/bob/;/scrka2/bob/ SEPlib will switch the directory it's writing its binary data to when the file system is full or when a user-specified size limit (dirsize) is reached. Second, Cat3d can create a virtual SEPlib dataset by concatenating and updating grid and header pointers, but leaving the large binary data files untouched.
The initial implementation of SEPlib3D did not allow piping between programs. As a result, many large, intermediate results were required. The new version of SEPlib allows piping by opening up additional sockets for the header and the grid. However piping is only allowed between SEPlib3D programs when certain conditions are met:
Superset SEP3D is good at dealing with 3-D data, but requires a significant coding overhead. As a result Clapp and Crawley wrote SEPF90, a Fortran90 library that simplified dealing with 3-D data. Unfortunately the design, like all early prototypes, head serious limitations. Among them,
The new version of SEPlib comes with a replacement for SEPF90, superset. The purpose of superset is the same, but the implementation is significantly different. The basic idea of superset is to maintain an invisible sep3d structure copy of each SEPlib3D dataset. The structure contains
Reading of any SEPlib data then can be done in two simple steps: First the programmer makes a call to read in the headers (either all or a portion) and is returned the number of headers read. The library will automatically read in the grid, find the valid headers, check for a data_record_number and create a list of pointers to the traces. Once the headers have been read the user can ask for all of the data associated with the header block to read in, or read in sections of the data.
Writing is also simple. The programmer first initializes the output format files. He then makes a call(s) to write data (data, headers, and/or grid), and finally asks for the number of traces in the dataset to be updated in the format files if it wasn't known until the end of the program. The library does all the work figuring out what files to write, what trace number it is currently writing out, etc.
For added convenience I also wrote a F90 module which provides wrappers around the C function calls. The module allows the programmer to access a Fortran90 type which contains all properties of the dataset (except the header and grid values). The programmer than can then access and modify these values. When done they can synchronize the C and Fortran90 version. This added flexibility further simplifies dealing with SEPlib3D data.
SU SUPPORT The creation of the superset library made possible another new element included in this release of SEPlib: the ability to use SU programs with SEPlib data. A SEPlib3D dataset with a header is similar but more free form than the SU format. SEPlib3D allows the user to have any number of keys in any order, named arbitrary, and doesn't require them to be in the same order as the data.
SU data is a single file containing a series of traces. Each trace is made up to 82 keys and data. Access is done almost exclusively sequentially, through the puttr and gettr routines. The routines gettr and puttr are in turn aliased to fgettr and fputtr, where the f refers to a file.
The library sepsu contains two new routines: tgettr and tputtr, which instead use the sep3dtag to access the data. These two routines are calls to the superset library read and write routines with a conversion to and from the SU segy structure. To add a little more flexibility the library provides some additional command line arguments:
The following program converts from SEPlib3D to SU, and shows just how easy it is to write code that can take advantages of both software packages. Example
segy tr; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; int verb; /* hook up getpar */ initpar(argc,argv); getch_add_string("suoutput=1"); initargs(argc, argv); verb=1000000; getch("verb","d",&verb); requestdoc(1); i=0; if (!gettr(&tr)) err("can't get first trace"); do { i++; fputtr(stdout,(&tr)); if(i%verb==1) fprintf(stderr,"converted %d traces \n",i); } while (gettr(&tr)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }In the above, the gettr reads SEPlib3D and the fputtr writes out SU data. One thing to note is the EXIT_SUCCESS. In order to make SEPlib3D data work the total number of traces must be known. The EXIST_SUCCESS call is aliased to a call to finish_susep which updates the number of traces if it has changed within the program.
To compile and run SU programs you need to:
INSTALLATION For the last few years SEP has required anyone who wanted to install SEPlib to wade through and edit a series of complicated configuration Makefiles. This system was convenient for us, but difficult to near impossible for anyone outside SEP. Part of the difficulty was that SEPlib relied heavily on machine dependent ifdefs for:
Looking at past experience I was left with three choices: continue the ifdef cycle, simplify SEPlib so it wasn't reliant on so many non-standard operations (required less ifdef), or find a different way to do the installation. I chose to follow the third option, and found some tools that were well suited for the purpose. Automake, Autoconf, Libtool
Gnu's Not Unix (GNU) provides a series of utilities that install easily and run successfully on an amazing number of platforms. Their installation mechanism involves running a shell script configure that examines features of an operating system and then creates machine dependent makerules, header files, and code.
From the distributor point of view this involves learning to integrate two programs, Autoconf and Automake into your software.
For the distributer Autoconf can remove the need for almost all machine dependent ifdef's in your code. Unfortunately, the removal of these ifdef's does not come without a cost. Generally machine dependent ifdef's are replaced with feature dependent ifdef's, and a resulting test is written to determine whether the installing machine has the feature. For example replacing a machine dependent ifdef which was dependent on whether numbers represent in big or little Endian fashion with corresponding ifdef and test.
Generally Automake replaced all of SEP's makerules by replacing our standard shorthand conventions with a more generic shorthand convention. The advantage of the Automake philosophy is it is faster, provides automatic distribution, install, and clean mechanisms that are not too easy to implement.
SEP's began its quest for reproducibility with the introduction of interactive documents (). We then started producing SEP reports on CDROM and adopting the GNU, makefile system as our framework for reproducibility (). This method effectively created a snapshot of the current SEP environment and guaranteed that if you had a certain type of a computer, a certain OS, and the CDROM you could reproduce SEP research. Unfortunately, OS's change quickly and CDROMS aren't an ideal distribution mechanism.
Recently we have abandoned CDROMs and instead use a web based method to distribute our research, but we still make an attempt to test every report for reproducibility (). The web based solution is a better distribution method but requires you to have
This version of SEPlib attempts to correct some of these issues. The SEPlib configure script will produce a set of SEPlib makerules that are tuned to the platform where it is run, but should compile all of the SEPlib codes. This system allows SEP research to reproduce on any platform where the configure script can be successfully run.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Matt Schwab who pointed a number of years ago that GNU configure was the way to go.
Programs in bold are new to SEPlib, programs in italics have been significantly modified (often converted from Fortran 77 to C or Fortran 90). UTILITIES Programs that perform utility (non-seismic) functions.
Unix This group of programs perform functions similar to their corresponding UNIX commands, but on SEPlib datasets.
Program | |
Cp3d | Copy a history and binary file |
Ls | List all SEPlib history and associated binary files |
Mv3d | Move a SEP77 history and binary file |
Rm3d | Remove a history and binary file |
Zero | Create a null SEPlib file |
Vector Programs that perform vector operations, where the vector is defined as an SEP dataset.
Program | Purpose |
Add | Add two SEPlib real datasets |
Cabs | Take the Complex absolute value of a complex dataset |
Cabs2 | Take the Complex absolute values squared of a complex dataset |
Cadd | Add two complex datasets |
Conj | Take the conjugate of a complex dataset |
Math | Generic routine to do vector operations on files |
Log | Take the log of a file |
Scale | Scale a dataset |
Cmult | Perform complex multiplication of two datasets |
arithpar | Perform mathematical operations on SEPlib history file parameters |
Cmplx | Create a complex dataset from two real datasets |
Rtoc | Convert a real dataset to complex by setting the imaginary part to 0 |
Imag | Take the imaginary part of a complex dataset |
atoF | convert typed numbers to a SEPlib dataset |
Real | Take the real part of a complex dataset |
Pow | Raise a SEPlib dataset to a power |
Cube Do operations that rely on the SEPlib hypercube format.
Program | Purpose |
Cat | concatenate SEPlib-2D datasets |
Merge | Merge SEPlib-2D datasets |
Pad | Pad with zeros a SEPlib Dataset |
Window3d | Window a SEPlib dataset |
Reverse | Reverse an axis of a 2-D dataset |
Transp | Transpose an axis of a 2-D dataset |
Interleave | Interleave the traces of two 2-D datasets |
Window | Window a 2-D dataset |
Cat3d | Concatenate SEPlib-3D datasets |
Fold3d | Calculate the fold of a SEPlib dataset |
Grid_fold | Calculate the fold of a given set of gridding parameters |
Sort3d | Sort and grid a SEPlib-3D dataset |
Stack3d | Stack a SEPlib-3D dataset |
Stack | Stack a SEPlib-2d dataset |
Programs that operate on header values.
Program | Purpose |
Headermath | Perform mathematical operation on header keys |
Create3d | Create a SEPlib-3D dataset from SEPlib-2D dataset(s) |
Synch3d | Synch the headers and data of a SEPlib-3D dataset |
Window_key | Window a SEPlib dataset according to a key |
Programs that give information about SEPlib datasets.
Program | Purpose |
Attr | Calculate the attributes of a SEPlib data file |
Dd | Convert back and forth from an ascii-binary file |
Disfil | Display the values of a SEPlib data set |
Get | Get values from a SEPlib history file |
In3d | Print a description of a SEPlib dataset |
Dis3dhead | Display header keys |
Attr3dhead | Display the attributes (min,max,etc) of header keys |
SEISMIC Programs that do seismic operations.
Filter Programs that do some type of filtering.
Program | Purpose |
Again | Arctangent gain |
Agc | Automatic gain control |
Balance | Trace balancing |
Gpow | Apply a gainpow to a dataset |
Lpfilt | Low-pass (Butterworth) filtering |
Clip | Clip a dataset |
Interp | Interpolate a SEPlib dataset |
Trcamp | Calculate total amp/energey |
Ft3d | Fourier transform a complex dataset |
Energy | Calculate energy in a running window |
Edit | Patching driver |
Fx2d | 2-D FX decon |
Txdec | 2-D TX decon |
Spectra | Obtain averaged amplitude spectra |
Bandpass | Bandpass a dataset |
Envelope | Analytic signal amplitude |
Halfint | Take a half-derivative of a dataset |
Smooth | Smooth a dataset with triangular filters |
Filter | Filter a dataset |
Mute | Mute a SEPlib-2D dataset |
Noise | Add noise or create noise |
Median | Median filter a dataset |
Tpow | Raise a dataset by a power of the time axis |
Model Programs that do modeling.
Program | Purpose |
Aniso2d | Anisotropic heterogeneous elastic modeling |
Iso2d | Isotropic heterogeneous elastic model |
Gauss | Create a model with Gaussian blobs |
Spike | Create a model with spikes |
Kirmod3d | Perform v(z) Kirchoff modeling |
Vel | Create a velocity model |
Marine_geom3d | Create a typical marine geometry |
Gfgradz | Create v(z) traveltimes and amplitudes |
Scat3d | Create scaterers (for input to Kirmod3d) |
Velocity Programs that work with velocity.
Program | Purpose |
Unmo | Inverse nmo |
Vconvert | Convert velocity (z-t) (interval-depth) |
Velan | Perform 2-D velocity analysis |
Velan3d | Perform 3-D velocity analysis |
Hypint | Velocity space transform (integration) |
Hypmovie | Velocity space transform movie |
Hypsum | Velocity space transform |
MCvfit | Monte Carlo automatic velocity picks |
Stretch | Generic stretching routine |
NMO | Perform NMO on SEPlib-2D dataset |
Nmo3d | Perform NMO on a SEPlib-3D dataset |
Radial | Transform a 2-D dataset to radial trace domain |
Radnmo | Do radial NMO |
Program | Purpose |
FMeikonal | Calculate travel times using fast marching eikonal |
MTTmaps | Band limited maximum energy Green's function maps |
Hwt3d | Rays or travel times using Huygens wavefront tracing |
Imaging Programs that to do imaging.
Program | Purpose |
Phase | Do phase shift migration |
Stolt | Do stolt migration |
Software dealing with anisotropic data.
Program | Purpose |
Combine/combine | Combine two sets of elastic layer coefficients |
Uncombine/uncombine | Subtract layer coefficients |
Uncrack/uncrack | Compare fractured and unfractured rock sample |
Crack/crack | Crack a set of elastic layer coefficients |
Create/create | Create a stiffness tensor |
Laymod/laymod | Create a layered of model |
Laymod21/laymod21 | Create a layered model with all 21 coefs. |
Laymodthin/laymodthin | Create elastic parameter model with thin interbedding |
Laythin1d/laythin1d | Create elastic parameters with two inter-bedded substances |
Display/display | Display the parameters of a anisotropic dataset |
Rotate/rotate | Rotate the coordinate frame |
GRAPHICS Programs that display graphics.
SEP VPLOT INTERFACE SEP programs that interface with vplot to display functions.
Program | Purpose |
Box | Draw a vplot balloon |
Dots | Create a dot plot |
Graph | Graph a function |
Grey | Display a 2-D plane variable density plane |
Histogram | Create a histogram |
Operplot | Shaded box plot |
Thplot | Hidden line plotting program |
Ftplot | Plot Fourier amplitude or phase spectrum |
Wiggle | Create a wiggle plot |
Contour | Contour a dataset |
Cubeplot | Create a cubeplot of a 3-D dataset |
VPLOT Vplot shell programs and pens for different devices.
Program | Purpose |
Vppen/vppen | Generic vplot plotting routine |
Xtpen/xtpen | XT vplot pen |
vp_Movie | Combine vplot frames into a movie |
vp_OverUnderAniso | Plot vplot frames vertically |
vp_OverUnderIso | Plot vplot frames vertically, preserve ratio |
vp_Overlay | Overlay vplot frames |
vp_SideBySideAniso | Plot vplot frames horizontally |
vp_SideBySideIso | Plot vplot frames horizontally, preserve ratio |
vp_Unrotate | Unrotate vplot frames |
vp_annotate | Annotate a vplot frame |
plas | Convert vplot file to ascii |
pldb | Convert vplot file to binary |
Raspen/raspen | Create raster files |
Pspen/pspen | Create postcript files |
Tube/tube | Display a vplot file |
pstexpen | Convert a vplot file to postscript |
Movie Programs that diplay 3-D volumes.
Program | Purpose |
Rickmovie | A great movie program |
Program | Purpose |
sat | Handle f77 dynamic and temporary allocation, SEPlib shorthand |
saw | Handle f77 memory, SEPlib shorthand |
sawf90 | Handle SEPlib shorthand in fortran90 |
cmsawf | Handle SEPlib shorthand for the CM5 |
ExtractPOD | Extract Pod documentation from f90 source code |
Makedepend | Create f90 depenicies according module usage |
key-word | Search directories for keywords |
shortfort | Fold f77 lines |
spp | Generic pre-processor |
lop2f90 | Convert linear-operator shorthand to ratfor |
ratfor77 | Convert from ratfor to fortran77 |
ratfor90 | Convert from ratfor90 to fortran90 |
Snoop | Search directories for keywords |
CONVERTERS Programs that convert from or to SEP internal formats.
Program | Purpose |
Segy2sep | Convert from SEG-Y to SEPlib |
Sep2su | Convert from SEPlib to SU |
Su2sep | Convert from SU to SEPlib |
Byte2mpeg | Convert a SEPlib byte file to mpeg format |
pstogif | Convert a postscript to gif |
vplot2gif | Convert a vplot file to gif |
vplot2mpeg | Convert a vplot file to mpeg |
vplot2ras | Convert a vplot fike to a raster plot |
SEPlib now uses a GNU-style configure mechanism for installation. So far this installation mechanism has been tested on:
Follow the following steps to install SEPlib
If you run into problems (for example you need to add an additional library path when compiling programs) you can often solve your problem by setting environmental variables that the configure script will then use. For example:
Before running SEPlib do the following:
SEPlib files are composed of ascii/binary pairs. The ascii portion describes the data (the size, the type, and the location of the binary). The binary portion is the actual data. The two are separated to allow processing to be done in a centralized location (a home directory for example) while the data is written where ever there is space. The datapath file tells SEPlib where to put binary data and should look something like this:
datapath=/scrka3/bob/;/scrka2/bob/ spur datapath=/scrka2/bob/ oas datapath=/scrsa1/bob/ vesuvio datapath=/SDA/bob/ santorin datapath=/scrsa4/bob/By default SEPlib first checks the command line for datapath=, then the directory where the program is run for a .datapath file, and finaly the home directory. The above .datapath files tells SEPlib to put binary data by default in /scrka3/bob and if it runs out of space in /scrka2/bob, but when on the computer "santorin" to put the data in /scrsa4/bob.
The next step is to tell SEPlib where to put temporary vplot files. It is best to put these in a location such as /tmp which is periodically cleaned.
This tells vplot where to find fonts.
The final step is only necessary if you want to compile and run programs from SEP reports, theses, or books. This environmental variable is needed by our Makefile's to find out its compile and install rules.