Next: Huber separation
Up: Clapp & Brown: Multiple
Previous: Problems
Transforming seismic data into another domain and then muting is
a common multiple suppression technique.
The common method is the parabolic
radon transform Foster and Mosher (1992).
This method has the advantage of having a analytic inverse (and is therefore
faster), but involves approximating moveouts by parabolas.
Lumley et al. (1994) used the more expensive hyperbolic transform and
went a step further by forming it as an inversion problem,
|  |
(5) |
- is the CMP gather,
- is a half derivative operator Prucha (1999),
- is a velocity transform operator.
They then used an L2 conjugate gradient algorithm to estimate
a (
) model and then muted out the multiples.
Unfortunately both methods suffer from multiple and primary energy overlapping.
Next: Huber separation
Up: Clapp & Brown: Multiple
Previous: Problems
Stanford Exploration Project