In recent years, there has been an enthusiastic use of seismic attributes
to predict reservoir properties. Many new attributes have been designed
Chen and Sidney (1997)
in the hope of finding any relationship between attributes and the reservoir
properties that can be used in prediction.
However, although the ability to generate numerous seismic attributes has
improved, physical relationships between attributes and reservoir properties
are not always well understood.
In order to decide which attributes to use for this research, we have focused our
attention on some "better understood" attributes, in other words,
those that can be related
to physical parameters, such as amplitude versus offset (AVO),
reflectivity, acoustic impedance, compressional-wave velocity (Vp),
and shear-wave velocity (Vs).
For this particular study, we have chosen AVO-related attributes because of the physical
relation between the variation of reflection/transmission coefficients
and incident angle and elastic rock parameters like Vp, Vs,
and density Castagna et al. (1993).