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The overall results may seem disappointing: the simple stacking of the input data give similar results to the stacking of multiple-free gathers using l2, l1 and l1 with l1 regularization. Nonetheless, data with more complex multiples would certainly lead to different conclusions. In addition, these data demonstrate that when the gathers are not particularly noisy, which is the case here, the l1 norm and the l2 norm behave similarly. The l1 norm with l1 regularization produces expected sparse velocity panels with very bad convergence properties, meaning that we need to think about new strategies to improve it. Claerbout (2000, Personal communication) recently suggested that I minimize


where R is the Prediction Error Filter (PEF) of the residual. The PEF would help to obtain Independent Identically Distributed (IID) variables in the residual. Another idea is to minimize

f(\bf{m})=\vert F.T_{2-D}(\bf{Hm}-\bf{d})\vert _{Huber}\end{displaymath}

where F.T2-D is the 2-D Fourier Transform. The idea behind this last equation is that the far offset data, which the l1 norm with l1 regularization does not fit very well, creates (almost) mono-frequency patterns in the residual that would map in a very localized area of the Fourier space with high amplitudes (two points for a perfectly mono-frequency event with one slope). The Huber norm with an appropriate threshold would treat these focused energies as outliers and get rid of them.

Figure 9
Stacked section of the input data with multiples.
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Figure 10
Stacked section after multiple suppression using the l2 norm.
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Figure 11
Difference between the stacked section with multiples and the stacked section without multiples using the l2 norm.
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Figure 12
Stacked section after multiple suppression using the l1 norm.
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Figure 13
Difference between the stacked section with multiples and the stacked section without multiples using the l1 norm.
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Figure 14
Stacked section after multiple suppression using the l1 norm with l1 regularization.
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Figure 15
Difference between the stacked section with multiples and the stacked section without multiples using the l1 norm with l1 regularization.
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Stanford Exploration Project