Using inverse theory, the velocity estimation is usually an overdetermined problem. The use of all available sources of velocity information could help us to overcome this overdetermination. Seismic data provide velocity information (residual moveout analysis, dix equation). In addition Vertical seismic profiles give vertical traveltimes and well data provide major geological information (dip, velocities).
Seismic exploration is at a point where the fields are in very complex areas such as salt domes and overthrusts. Classically, the union of seismic information with surface geology has been used to improve the velocity model in an interpretative way, with the work of geophysicists and geologists combined to build a velocity model with an important geological component. This kind of work has been developed in such a way that now, the cooperation of both kinds of geoscientists is of primary importance in the continued development of the velocity model.
I think that a combination of seismic interval velocities along with well information (velocities, dips measurements) could bring in a more refined velocity model.