Gassmann's equations (Gassmann, 1951) for fluid substitution state that
K = K_dr + ^2(-)/K_m + /K_f
and =_dr,
where Km is the bulk modulus of the single solid mineral,
Kdr and are the bulk and shear moduli of the
drained porous frame. The special combination of moduli defined by
is the Biot-Willis parameter
(Biot and Willis, 1957).
The porosity is
, while K and
are the effective bulk
and shear moduli of the undrained
porous medium that is saturated with a fluid mixture having bulk
modulus Kf.
For partial saturation conditions with homogeneous mixing of
liquid and gas, so that all pores contain the same relative
proportions of liquid and gas, Domenico (1974) among others shows that
1/K_f = S/K_l + (1-S)/K_g.
The saturation level of liquid is S lying in the range
. The bulk moduli are: Kl for the liquid, and
Kg for the gas.
When S is small, (Kf) shows that
. As
, Kf remains close to
Kg until S closely approaches unity. Then, Kf changes
rapidly (over a small range of saturations) from Kg to Kl.
(Note that the value of Kl may be several orders of magnitude
larger than Kg, as in the case of water and air -- 2.25 GPa
and 1.45
GPa, respectively.)
Since has no mechanical dependence on the fluid saturation,
it is clear that
all the fluid dependence of
in (Gassmann)
resides within the Lamé parameter
. Other recent work
(Berryman et al., 1999)
on layered elastic media indicates that
should be considered
as an important independent variable for analysis of wave velocities
and Gassmann's results provide some confirmation of this deduction
(and furthermore provided a great deal of the motivation for the
present line of research). The parameters K (
)and Kdr (
)can be replaced in (Gassmann)
without changing the validity of the equation.
Thus, like K, for increasing saturation values,
will be almost constant until the porous
medium closely approaches full saturation.
Now, the first problem that arises with field data is that we usually do not know the reason why data collected at two different locations in the earth differ. It could be that the differences are all due to the saturation differences we are concentrating on in this paper. Or it could be that they are due entirely or only partly to differences in the porous solids that contain the fluids. In fact, solid differences easily can mask any fluid differences because the range of detectable solid mechanical behavior is so much greater than that of the fluids (especially when fractures are present).
It is essential to remove such differences due to solid heterogeneity. A related issue concerns differences arising due to porosity changes throughout a system of otherwise homogeneous solids. One way of doing this would be to sort our data into sets having similar porous solid matrix. For simplicity and because of the types of laboratory data sets available, we will use porosity here as our material discriminant.
Considering our three main parameters, ,
, and
,we see that all three depend on porosity, but only
depend on saturation. Using formulas (rho)-(Kf),
we can take partial derivatives of each of these expressions first with
respect to
while holding S constant, and then with respect to
S while holding
constant. For now, we are only interested in
trends rather than the exact values, and these are displayed in Table 1.
The trend for
requires the additional reminder
that, although this term is always positive, its value is often so small
that it may be treated as zero except in the small range of values close
to S = 1. Also, using Hashin-Shtrikman bounds
(Hashin and Shtrikman, 1962) as a guide,
it turns out that it is not possible to make a general statement about
the sign of
, since the result depends on
the particular material constants.
(Related differences of sign are also observed in the
data we show later in this paper; thus, this ambiguity is
definitely real and observable.)
Assuming that the primary variables are ,
, and
(further justification of this choice of primary variables
is provided later in the paper),
then the two pieces of velocity data we
have can be used to construct the following three ratios:
= 1v_s^2. We will consider first of all what happens to these ratios for homogeneous mixing of fluids, and then consider the simpler case of ideal patchy saturation, where some pores in the partially saturated medium are completely filled with liquid and others are completely dry (or filled with gas).