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Up: Amoco 2.5-D dataset
Previous: Amoco 2.5-D dataset
The Amoco 2.5-D dataset juxtaposes the complex folding of the Carpathian
mountains with the classic salt structures of the North Sea. A 2-D slice
of the velocity model can be seen in Figure
. This slice can
be replicated along a third dimension to create the 2.5-D velocity model.
Naturally, the second dimension is the dip direction and the third
dimension is the strike direction.
The data for this synthetic model were created by finite difference
modeling. It was done as a 3-D survey shot in the dip direction. Since
this modeling was done over a 2.5-D velocity structure, it is a simple
matter to manipulate the data to generate a strike line survey as well,
although the inline and crossline geometries will be different from the
dip line survey.
Figure 1 Velocity model for the Carpathians over the
North Sea.
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Up: Amoco 2.5-D dataset
Previous: Amoco 2.5-D dataset
Stanford Exploration Project