Using a given velocity model, the Snell-beam transform maps
data from the offset--traveltime
domain into the horizontal-slowness--vertical-traveltime domain.
This transform can be used as an alternative
to the usual transform to perform the plane
wave decomposition of the data, with the difference that no
further moveout correction is required. Furthermore, as opposed
to local slant-stacks, geometrical corrections
are performed in an appropriate way (within a 2.5 D assumption),
without losing the advantages of a local stack transform.
The application of the transform to synthetic data shows a good agreement between shapes of the amplitude curves of the several different elastic interfaces, and their theoretical curves.
The results are also in accordance with the application of
the transform, followed by a normal-moveout correction
to the vertical traveltime. However, multiples and noises in
general are weaker on the Snell-beam transform, due to the
local character of the beam-stack transform.
To retrieve the reflectivity matrix (R(t0,p)) several operations are necessary. The Snell-driven beam-stack transforms the recorded data into the desired t0-p domain, with the additional compensation for divergence, and radiation pattern.