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- Demirbag, E., and Coruh, C., 1989, Inversion of Multilayer Amplitude versus Offset Data: SEG Annual Meeting Abstracts, 709-712.
- de Haas, J.C., and Berkhout, A.J., 1988, On the information content of P-P, P-SV, SV-SV, and SV-P reflections: SEG Annual Meeting Abstracts, 1190-1193.
- Hindlet, F., and Kolb, P., 1988, Inversion of Prestack Field Data: An application to 1D acoustic media: SEG Annual Meeting Abstracts, 1073-1076.
- Mora, P., 1987, Elastic wavefield inversion: PhD Thesis, Stanford University, also SEP-52.
- Snieder, R., Xie, M.Y., Tarantola, A., and Pica, A., 1988, Retrieving Both the impedance Variations and Background Velocity in Reflection Seismics Using Least-Squares Waveform Inversion: SEG Annual Meeting Abstracts, 1070-1072.
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