Next: A heterogeneous example
Previous: A homogeneous isotropic example
How does the method work for homogeneous anisotropic models?
The middle plot in Figure 2 shows a somewhat anisotropic
model. The isotropic plot on top shows the SV wave for
, and
.For the middle plot, we set
.The theoretical and calculated curves for this model
overlay one another about as well
as they did for the isotropic example.
The bottom plot in Figure 2 is more interesting. Here we have set
, resulting in an extremely anisotropic
model. The homogeneous qSV wave has a multi-valued traveltime.
The traveltime extrapolation method cannot be multivalued, and instead
``cuts off'' the triplication in an interesting way.
Next: A heterogeneous example
Previous: A homogeneous isotropic example
Stanford Exploration Project