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Doyen, P. M., 1988, Porosity from seismic data - a geostatistical approach:
Geophysics, 53, 1263-1275.
Greaves, R. J., and Fulp, T. J., 1987, Three-dimensional seismic
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Lumley, D. E., and Beydoun, W. B., 1991, Elastic parameter estimation by
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Lumley, D. E., Beydoun, W. B., and Oldenburg, D. W., 1991, Elastic
specular reflectivity estimation by Love-WKBJ integration of seismic
waveforms: Geophysical Journal International, in preparation.
Parsons, R., 1986, Estimating reservoir mechanical properties using
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Expanded Abstracts of the SEG.
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Stanford Exploration Project