Next: Applications
Previous: Elastic parameter estimation
I don't know much in detail about geostatistics, but what little I do know
suggests it represents a very powerful tool for correlating m/i
elastic depth images with sparse sets of in situ measurements. Parameters
such as porosity, permeability or sand/shale content can be measured in a few
boreholes, but are not generally directly sensed by seismic reflection data.
However, there is a widespread notion that in a given survey area or
prospect, seismic attributes (traveltime residuals, amplitude variations,
and elastic parameter values themselves) may have spatial statistical
correlations with the secondary in situ parameters. If this
correlation can be validated in a prospect area, then geostatistics may
provide an exciting method to extrapolate/interpolate the sparse
in situ measurements over the entire subsurface volume illuminated by
seismic (Doyen, 1988).
This could lead to interesting approaches to reservoir
characterization in conjunction with the corresponding uncertainty analyses.
Next: Applications
Previous: Elastic parameter estimation
Stanford Exploration Project