We now present the results of a marine synthetic data example. We examine the behavior of our Kirchhoff elastic prestack depth migration/inversion method using synthetic seismograms calculated from a reasonable estimate of the true earth properties at an actual Gulf of Mexico survey site. In particular, we discuss issues such as the accuracy of estimated specular reflectivity and subsequent elastic properties, the robustness of various elastic parameterization choices, and confidence estimates for the final elastic parameter depth images. The synthetic study serves as a control experiment, since much effort is made to simulate the actual marine data recording geometry and earth model, so that we can discover what and what not to expect from the field data. At a later date, pending proprietary data release, we will present four field data prestack depth images of: relative changes in P-impedance, relative changes in S-impedance, a direct hydrocarbon indicator, and an accompanying inversion confidence depth image. The field data results will be briefly interpreted and compared to two drilled gas discoveries within the imaged target zone.