Up: Michelena & Muir: Anisotropic
Previous: Introduction
We start by defining the equations needed to do
the forward modeling step in the inversion algorithm.
In an homogeneous transversely isotropic media, the traveltime
between two different points separated by a distance
can be expressed as
|  |
(1) |
|  |
(2) |
where Sx and Sz are the horizontal and vertical
slownesses respectively. Since the medium is homogeneous, the ray path
is straight.
An heterogeneous medium can be approximated as a superposition of
homogeneous regions. For this medium,
the previous expression for the traveltime
between two points can be easily generalized as follows:
|  |
| (2) |
where tij is the traveltime of the ith ray in the
jth cell and Sxj and Szj are the horizontal and
vertical slownesses respectively in that cell.
are the horizontal and vertical distances traveled
by the ith ray in each cell. If the slowness contrasts
among adjacent cells are small, the ray paths can be approximated by straight
lines. In
equation (2), N is the total number of cells and M is the total number of
The slowness model can be seen as a vector
whose components contain
the horizontal and vertical slownesses of each cell. This vector can
be defined as follows:
|  |
(1) |
| (2) |
Then, the slowness vector
has the following form:
|  |
(4) |
where T means transpose. The first N components correspond to the
horizontal slownesses of all the cells and the second N components
correspond to the vertical slownesses. When the model
is homogeneous,
is 2-dimensional and in general, for
an heterogeneous model described by N cells,
shows the vector
for the particular case of a layered medium.
Figure 1 Slowness vector in a layered medium.
Using the new variables introduced in (3), the traveltime equation (2)
can be written as
|  |
(5) |
Notice that when the medium is isotropic (Sj = Sj+N),
equation (5) reduces to the familiar equation that approximates the
traveltimes computed in an isotropic model described by cells (McMechan, 1983):
|  |
| (6) |
where lij is the length of the ith ray in the jth
In the next section we will see that when expression (5) is linearized, it
can be used for estimating
the horizontal and vertical slownesses in an heterogeneous anisotropic
model given a set of traveltimes measurements from a cross-well configuration.
Equation (5) can also be used for surface geometries, as long
as the depths of the reflectors are known a priori.
Up: Michelena & Muir: Anisotropic
Previous: Introduction
Stanford Exploration Project