subroutine svdcomp(A,S,V,svord,m,n,isw,error) implicit none c c mxweep : maximum number of sweeps allowed c mxnupd : maximum number of implicit norm updates c epsilon : machine precision c tol : tolerance used for termination of algorithm c integer mxweep,mxnupd real epsilon,tol parameter(mxweep=30) parameter(mxnupd=10) parameter(epsilon=0.5e-6,tol=5.0e-2) c c Error code returned c integer error c c Dimensions of A c integer m,n c c SVD arrays c as input A contains the original matrix c as output A contains matrix U of SVD c real A(*),S(*),V(*) cmf$ layout A(:serial),S(:serial),V(:serial) c c Ordering of singular values c integer svord(*) cmf$ layout svord(:serial) c c CM arrays c c U1,U2 : each one contains half the columns of A and an extra column c as a buffer for shifting c V1,V2 : each one contains half the columns of V and an extra column c as a buffer for shifting c alpha,beta : square of the norms of the columns of U1,U2 c will also hold sine theta, cosine theta for Jacobi c transformations c at the end of the run they will hold the singular values c gamma : inner product of columns in the same processor c inprod : normalized inner products used to determine if transformations c are applied based on thresholds. Also used to determine c termination of algorithm c buffer : holds temporary results c U1norm : squares of column 2-norms of U1 c U2norm : squares of column 2-norms of U2 c sing : stores singular values for transmission to front end and c for sorting in descending order c order : ordering of singular values c real U1(m,(n+1)/2) cmf$ layout U1(:serial,:news) real U2(m,(n+1)/2) cmf$ layout U2(:serial,:news) real V1(m,(n+1)/2) cmf$ layout V1(:serial,:news) real V2(m,(n+1)/2) cmf$ layout V2(:serial,:news) real alpha((n+1)/2),beta((n+1)/2) cmf$ layout alpha(:news),beta(:news) real gamma((n+1)/2),inprod((n+1)/2) cmf$ layout gamma(:news),inprod(:news) real buffer(m,(n+1)/2) cmf$ layout buffer(:serial,:news) real U1norm((n+1)/2),U2norm((n+1)/2) cmf$ layout U1norm(:news),U2norm(:news) real sing(n) cmf$ layout sing(:news) integer order(n) cmf$ layout order(:news) c c lc : last column in U1 c integer lc c c sflag : true if stopping criterion has been met c logical sflag c c Temporary variables used in conjunction with the computation c of smax and smin c real max1,max2,min1,min2 c c Loop counters c isw : sweep counter c irot : rotation counter c nupd : number of times implicit norm update has been used c integer i,j,k,isw,irot,nupd c c Timing variables c integer itimer1,itimer2 real flops real nsum,nsub,nmul,ndiv,nsqrt,nabs,nsign real wsum,wsub,wmul,wdiv,wsqrt,wabs,wsign data wsum/1.0/ data wsub/1.0/ data wmul/1.0/ data wdiv/1.0/ data wsqrt/1.0/ data wabs/1.0/ data wsign/1.0/ c data itimer1/1/ data itimer2/2/ c c Initialize U1,U2 <- A c lc = (n+1)/2 do i=1,m-1,2 call cmf_to_cm(U1(i,:),A(n*(i-1)+1),lc) call cmf_to_cm(U2(i,:),A(n*(i-1)+lc+1),n-lc) call cmf_to_cm(U1(i+1,:),A(n*i+1),lc) call cmf_to_cm(U2(i+1,:),A(n*i+lc+1),n-lc) enddo if (2*(m/2) .ne. m) then call cmf_to_cm(U1(m,:),A(n*(m-1)+1),lc) call cmf_to_cm(U2(m,:),A(n*(m-1)+lc+1),n-lc) endif if (lc .ne. n-lc) U2(:,lc) = 0.0 c c Initialize V1,V2 <- I c V1 = 0.0 V2 = 0.0 forall (i=1:lc) V1(i,i) = 1.0 forall (i=1:n-lc) V2(i+lc,i) = 1.0 c c Initialize looping variables c isw = 0 sflag = .false. nupd = mxnupd c c Start timer 1 c call CM_timer_start(itimer1) c c Loop over all sweeps c do while (isw .lt. mxweep .and. .not. sflag) isw = isw + 1 sflag = .true. c c Loop over all rotations c do irot=1,2*lc-1 c c compute inner products c nupd = nupd + 1 if (nupd .ge. mxnupd) then U1norm = 0.0 U2norm = 0.0 do i=1,m-1,2 U1norm = U1norm + U1(i,:) * U1(i,:) U1norm = U1norm + U1(i+1,:) * U1(i+1,:) U2norm = U2norm + U2(i,:) * U2(i,:) U2norm = U2norm + U2(i+1,:) * U2(i+1,:) enddo if (2*(m/2) .ne. m) then U1norm = U1norm + U1(m,:) * U1(m,:) U2norm = U2norm + U2(m,:) * U2(m,:) endif nupd = 0 endif gamma = 0.0 do i=1,m-1,2 gamma = gamma + U1(i,:) * U2(i,:) gamma = gamma + U1(i+1,:) * U2(i+1,:) enddo if (2*(m/2) .ne. m) gamma = gamma + U1(m,:) * U2(m,:) c c If any of the normalized inner products is greater than c the tolerance we must execute the next sweep after this one c where (U1norm .eq. 0.0) gamma = 0.0 where (U2norm .eq. 0.0) gamma = 0.0 where (gamma .eq. 0.0) inprod = 0.0 elsewhere inprod = abs(gamma / sqrt(U1norm * U2norm)) endwhere if (any(inprod .gt. tol)) sflag = .false. c c In this set of calculations alpha and beta are used for c temporary storage and at the end they will have the c contents of the Jacobi rotation matrices c gamma is also used for temporary storage c where (inprod .gt. epsilon) c c eta = (U2norm - U1norm) / (2.0 * gamma) stored in alpha c alpha = (U2norm - U1norm) / (2.0 * gamma) c c t = sign(eta)/(abs(eta) + sqrt(1.0+eta^2)) stored in beta c beta = sign(1.0,alpha) / (abs(alpha) + * sqrt(1.0+alpha*alpha)) c c Update norms c U1norm = U1norm - beta * gamma U2norm = U2norm + beta * gamma c c cos(theta) = 1.0/sqrt(1.0*t^2) stored in alpha c alpha = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+beta*beta) c c sin(theta) = t * cos(theta) stored in beta c beta = beta * alpha elsewhere alpha = 1.0 beta = 0.0 endwhere c c Apply one sided Jacobi transformations, use gamma variable as buffer c do i=1,m-1,2 gamma = U1(i,:) * alpha - U2(i,:) * beta U2(i,:) = U1(i,:) * beta + U2(i,:) * alpha U1(i,:) = gamma gamma = U1(i+1,:) * alpha - U2(i+1,:) * beta U2(i+1,:) = U1(i+1,:) * beta + U2(i+1,:) * alpha U1(i+1,:) = gamma gamma = V1(i,:) * alpha - V2(i,:) * beta V2(i,:) = V1(i,:) * beta + V2(i,:) * alpha V1(i,:) = gamma gamma = V1(i+1,:) * alpha - V2(i+1,:) * beta V2(i+1,:) = V1(i+1,:) * beta + V2(i+1,:) * alpha V1(i+1,:) = gamma enddo if (2*(m/2) .ne. m) then gamma = U1(m,:) * alpha - U2(m,:) * beta U2(m,:) = U1(m,:) * beta + U2(m,:) * alpha U1(m,:) = gamma gamma = V1(m,:) * alpha - V2(m,:) * beta V2(m,:) = V1(m,:) * beta + V2(m,:) * alpha V1(m,:) = gamma endif c c Shifting when lc > 2 c c call CM_timer_start(itimer2) if (lc .gt. 2) then c c Shift the columns of U1,U2,V1,V2 to obtain next c combination of columns in sweep c buffer = cshift(U2,dim=2,shift=-1) buffer(:,1) = U1(:,1) buffer(:,lc) = U1(:,lc) U1 = cshift(U1,dim=2,shift=-1) U2 = cshift(U2,dim=2,shift=1) U1(:,1:2) = buffer(:,1:2) U2(:,lc) = buffer(:,lc) c buffer = cshift(V2,dim=2,shift=-1) buffer(:,1) = V1(:,1) buffer(:,lc) = V1(:,lc) V1 = cshift(V1,dim=2,shift=-1) V2 = cshift(V2,dim=2,shift=1) V1(:,1:2) = buffer(:,1:2) V2(:,lc) = buffer(:,lc)c Shift squares of column norms U1norm, U2norm
gamma = cshift(U2norm,dim=1,shift=-1) gamma(1) = U1norm(1) gamma(lc) = U1norm(lc) U1norm = cshift(U1norm,dim=1,shift=-1) U2norm = cshift(U2norm,dim=1,shift=1) U1norm(1:2) = gamma(1:2) U2norm(lc) = gamma(lc) elseif (lc .eq. 2) then c c Shift when lc = 2 c buffer = cshift(U2,dim=2,shift=-1) U2(:,2) = U1(:,2) U1(:,2) = buffer(:,2) U2(:,1) = buffer(:,1) c buffer = cshift(V2,dim=2,shift=-1) V2(:,2) = V1(:,2) V1(:,2) = buffer(:,2) V2(:,1) = buffer(:,1) c gamma = cshift(U2norm,dim=1,shift=-1) U2norm(2) = U1norm(2) U1norm(2) = gamma(2) U2norm(1) = gamma(1) endif c flops = 0.0 c Call MY_stop_timer('shift '//char(0),itimer2,0,flops) enddo enddo c c Timing information c nsum = wsum * float(m*2*lc + (m+3)*lc + 2*(m-1)*lc/mxnupd) nsub = wsub * float(m*2*lc + 4*lc) nmul = wmul * float(m*lc*(9+2/mxnupd) + 7*lc) ndiv = wdiv * float(4*lc) nsqrt = wsqrt * float(3*lc) nabs = wabs * float(2*lc) nsign = wsign * float(lc) flops = float(isw * (2*lc-1)) * * (nsum+nsub+nmul+ndiv+nsqrt+nabs+nsign) call MY_stop_timer('main loop '//char(0),itimer1,0,flops) if (sflag) then error = 0 else error = 1 endif c c Compute singular values and U c
buffer = U1 * U1 alpha = sqrt(sum(buffer,dim=1)) buffer = spread(alpha,dim=1,ncopies=m) where (buffer .ne. 0.0) U1 = U1 / buffer c buffer = U2 * U2 beta = sqrt(sum(buffer,dim=1)) buffer = spread(beta,dim=1,ncopies=m) where (buffer .ne. 0.0) U2 = U2 / buffer c c Set output arrays A,S,V to U,SIGMA,V c do i=1,m call cmf_from_cm(A(n*(i-1)+1),U1(i,:),lc) call cmf_from_cm(A(n*(i-1)+lc+1),U2(i,:),n-lc) enddo c sing(1:lc) = alpha sing(lc+1:n) = beta(1:n-lc) call cmf_from_cm(S,sing,n) c do i=1,n call cmf_from_cm(V(n*(i-1)+1),V1(i,:),lc) call cmf_from_cm(V(n*(i-1)+lc+1),V2(i,:),n-lc) enddo c c Generate singular value ordering vector svord c call cmf_order(order,sing,1,.true.) do i=1,n svord(n+1-order(i)) = i enddo return end