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- Baysal, E., Kosloff, D.D., and Sherwood, J.W.C., 1983,
Reverse time migration:
Geophysics, 48, 1514-1524.
- Claerbout, J.F., 1971,
Toward a unified theory of reflector mapping:
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- Cunha, C.A., 1990,
Snell-beam transform: Retrieving the angle-dependent reflectivity:
Presented at the 60th Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys.,
Expanded Abstracts, 1507-1510.
- Cunha, C.A., 1991,
Accurate, efficient 2-D elastic modeling using S&M:
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Presented at the 60th Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys.,
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Reverse-time depth migration: Impedance imaging condition:
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The pre-stack migration of profiles:
PhD thesis, Stanford University. Also SEP-34.
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Prestack reverse-time migration in anisotropic media:
SEP-70, 113-121.
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Lithologic inversion: A reflectivity versus angle (RVA) approach:
Presented at the 60th Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys.,
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Principle of reverse-time migration:
Geophysics, 49, 581-583.
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Elastic parameter estimation by Kirchhoff prestack depth migration/inversion:
SEP-70, 165-192.
- Newman, P., 1973,
Divergence effects in a layered earth:
Geophysics, 38, 481-488.
- O'Doherty, R.F., and Anstey, N.A., 1971,
Reflections on amplitudes:
Geophysical Prospecting, 19, 430-458.
- Uren, N.F., Gardner, G.H.F., and McDonald, J.A., 1990,
The migrator's equation for anisotropic media:
Geophysics, 55, 1429-1434.
- Yu, G., 1985,
Offset-amplitude variation and controlled-amplitude processing:
Geophysics, 50, 2697-2708.
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Stanford Exploration Project