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- Lyakhovitskiy, F.M., and Nevsky, M.V., 1971,
The travel-time curves of reflected waves for a transversely isotropic medium:
Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, 196, 327-330 (in Russian).
- Seriff, A.J., and Sriram, K.P., 1991,
P-SV reflection moveouts for transversely isotropic media with a vertical
symmetry axis:
Geophysics, 56, v. 8, 1271-1274.
- Thomsen, L., 1986, Weak elastic anisotropy:
Geophysics, 51, v. 10, 1954-1966.
- Vernik, L., and Nur, A., 1991, Ultrasonic velocity and anisotropy of
hydrocarbon source-rocks:
Geophysics, in press.
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Stanford Exploration Project