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- Golub, G.H., and Van Loan, C.F., 1989,
Matrix Computations:
The Johns Hopkins University Press, 186-187.
- Hale, D., 1980,
Resampling irregularly sampled data:
SEP-25, 39-57.
- Kostov, C., 1989,
Finite-aperture slant-stack transforms:
SEP-61, 261-279.
- Yen, J.L., 1956,
On the nonuniform sampling of bandwidth-limited signals:
IRE Trans. Circuit Theory, v. CT-3, 251-257.
- Yen, J.L., 1957,
On the synthesis of line-sources and infinite strip-sources:
IRE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, v. AP-5, 40-46.
Stanford Exploration Project