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- Bardan, V., 1987,
Trace interpolation in seismic data processing:
Geophys. Prosp., 35, 343-358.
- Canales, L.L., 1984,
Random noise reduction:
Presented at the 54th Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys.
- Claerbout, J.F., 1991,
Earth Soundings Analysis: Processing versus Inversion:
Blackwell Scientific Publications.
- Claerbout, J.F., 1991,
Missing data restoration:
SEP-70, 305-335.
- Ji, J., 1991,
Trace interpolation using spectral estimation:
SEP-72, 57-64.
- Nichols, D., 1990,
Estimation of missing data by least squares:
SEP-65, 271-293.
- Spitz, S., 1991,
Seismic trace interpolation in the F-X domain:
Geophysics, 56, 785-794.
Figure 7 Crosswell data. Notice the aliased tubewaves.
Figure 8 Crosswell data interpolated once.
Figure 9 Crosswell data interpolated twice.
Figure 10 Upgoing wavefield. The early arrivals (reflections) appear more coherent when the FK filter is applied on the interpolated data.
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Stanford Exploration Project