The ¶ and § velocities measured for the stainless-steel core,
= 5743 75 m/s and = 3092
22 m/s, are
approximately twice the Massillon Sandstone values, which seems reasonable.
The measured stainless-steel / ratio is 1.86
which is slightly stiffer than the Poisson solid value of = 1.73,
as expected.
The ¶ and § velocities measured for the dry Massillon Sandstone are
= 2918 32 m/s and = 1731
99 m/s. This
represents an / ratio of = 1.69
which is a Poisson solid to within error bounds.
The ¶ and § velocities measured for the saturated Massillon Sandstone are
= 3380
78 m/s and = 1744
201 m/s. This
represents an / ratio of = 1.94
.25, which is not
very Poisson-like, and is similar to the stainless-steel sample,
neglecting the pessimistic error bounds. When water fills the pores,
its effect is to ``stiffen'' the resulting saturated sample. This has
a tendency to increase Ks and hence , compared to Kd and
. However, , and the increase in saturated
density over implies that will be slightly
smaller than . These intuitive predictions are
fairly well validated by our lab measurements.