Up: Michelena: ray tracing
Previous: Model of heterogeneities
In transmission
traveltime tomography, we usually need to link
every source with the corresponding receiver positions.
The way how I do this with the initial value ray tracing
just described is as follows:
- (a) An sparse fan of rays is traced
from the given source position. The aperture of this fan is greater
than the aperture of the receiver positions. The end points of these
rays (zend) and the shooting angles (
) are saved.
- (b) The angle
that corresponds to a given
receiver location is obtained (by using splines interpolation)
from the relation
vs. zend. This
relation is a function almost everywhere. In some places
it can be be
multivalued because the same receiver
location can correspond to different shooting angles (all
of them greater than the critical angle). The points were the function
is multivalued must be removed before the interpolation.
Because of
the way the medium is described,
vs. zend
always increases or always decreases (except where multivalued).
- (c) A ray is traced along the newly found
and the
zend that results is compared to the expected receiver position. If
the difference is greater than a predetermined value, the function
vs. zend is updated with the latest
values of
and zend and the procedure goes
again to step (b). If the difference is smaller than a
predetermined value, the ray has been captured.
Up: Michelena: ray tracing
Previous: Model of heterogeneities
Stanford Exploration Project