The fast anti-aliasing routine kfastaax() achieves most of its speed by re-ordering the do-loops of aamig() and trimo(). Re-ordering is done in the same way as for kirchslow() and kirchfast() so that the outer loop runs over offset. This allows overhead calculations to be reused many times. Additional speed is obtained by transposing the input and output so that the inner loop over ix is along stride instead of across stride. This inner loop over ix is performed in the linear interpolation subroutine spot3x(). The speed gained by transposing the input is achieved at the cost of assuming that velocity does not vary with offset.
Program listings are provided for kfastaax() and spot3x(). The subroutine doubint() performs double integration. For conj=0 it integrates once causally and then once anticausally.
For conj=1 kfastaax() migrates the input by summing along hyperbolic trajectories with triangular smoothing in time. For conj=0 kfastaax() models the data by spraying the input along hyperbolic trajectories.
For data modeling the program proceeds as follows:
# Kirchhoff migration and diffraction. (fast anti-aliased) # combination of kirchfast() and trimo(). Written by Dimitri Bevc 082492 # subroutine kfastaax(conj,add,anti,vrms, t0,dt,dx,nt,nx,modl, data) integer conj,add, nt,nx real vrms(nt),t0,dt,dx, modl(nt,nx),data(nt,nx) real z, t, h, tp, tm, amp, anti, slope integer ix,iz,it,ih, itp,itm, xstart, xend temporary real ss(nt),trdata(nx,nt),trmodl(nx,nt)call conjnull( conj, add, modl,nt*nx, data,nt*nx) call null( ss,nt) ; call null(trmodl,nx*nt) ; call null(trdata,nx*nt)
if(conj!=0) do ix=1,nx { call doubint( 1, 0, nt, ss, data(1,ix)) do it=1,nt trdata(ix,it)=ss(it) } if(conj==0) do ix=1,nx do it=1,nt trmodl(ix,it)=modl(it,ix) do ih= -nx, nx { h = dx * ih # h = offset do iz= 1, nt { z = t0 + dt * (iz-1) # z = travel-time depth t = sqrt( z**2 + (h/vrms(iz))**2 ) slope = anti * ( (1./vrms(iz))**2 ) * h / (t+dt) it = 1.0 + (t-t0 ) / dt tp = t + abs(slope * dx) + dt; itp = 1.0 + (tp-t0) / dt tm = t - abs(slope * dx) - dt; itm = 1.0 + (tm-t0) / dt if( itm <= 1 ) next if( itp >= nt ) break amp = 1.0 * sqrt( nt*dt/(t+dt)) * (z+dt)/(t+dt) * (dt/(dt+tp-tm)) ** 2 xstart = 1-ih; xstart = max0( 1, xstart) xend = nx-ih; xend = min0( nx, xend) call spot3x(conj, -amp,2*amp,-amp, t0,dt, tm,t,tp,xstart,xend, ih,iz,nt,nx,trmodl(1,iz),trdata(1,itm ),trdata(1,it ),trdata(1,itp ), trdata(1,itm+1),trdata(1,it+1),trdata(1,itp+1)) } } if(conj!=0) do ix=1,nx do it=1,nt modl(it,ix)=trmodl(ix,it) if(conj==0) do ix=1,nx { do it=1,nt ss(it)=trdata(ix,it) call doubint( 0, add, nt, ss, data(1,ix)) } return; end
# Scaled linear interpolation. # Modified for fast triangular weighted anti-aliased migration # by Dimitri Bevc 8-14-92 # subroutine spot3x(conj, scm,sc,scp, t0,dt, tm,t,tp, xstart,xend,ih,iz, nt,nx, val,vecm ,vec, vecp, vecm1,vec1,vecp1) integer conj, xstart,xend,ih,iz,nt,nx real scm,sc,scp, t0,dt, tm,t,tp real val(nx),vecm(nx) ,vec(nx), vecp(nx) real vecm1(nx),vec1(nx),vecp1(nx) integer itcm,itc,itcp, ix real tcm,tcp,tc, frm,fr,frptcm = (tm-t0) / dt; itcm = tcm; frm = tcm - itcm tc = (t -t0) / dt; itc = tc; fr = tc - itc tcp = (tp-t0) / dt; itcp = tcp; frp = tcp - itcp if( conj == 0) { do ix=xstart,xend vecm(ix+ih) = vecm(ix+ih) + (1.-frm) * val(ix) * scm do ix=xstart,xend vec(ix+ih) = vec(ix+ih) + (1.-fr ) * val(ix) * sc do ix=xstart,xend vecp(ix+ih) = vecp(ix+ih) + (1.-frp) * val(ix) * scp do ix=xstart,xend vecm1(ix+ih) = vecm1(ix+ih) + frm * val(ix) * scm do ix=xstart,xend vec1(ix+ih) = vec1(ix+ih) + fr * val(ix) * sc do ix=xstart,xend vecp1(ix+ih) = vecp1(ix+ih) + frp * val(ix) * scp } else { do ix= xstart, xend val(ix) = val(ix)+ ((1.-fr )*vec (ix+ih) + fr *vec1 (ix+ih))*sc + ((1.-frm)*vecm(ix+ih) + frm*vecm1(ix+ih))*scm + ((1.-frp)*vecp(ix+ih) + frp*vecp1(ix+ih))*scp } return; end