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I experimented with some 3-D data to see if the LOMOPLAN view would prove interesting. Preliminary views were not, so I omit them here. First I looked at the Gulf of Thailand GSI migrations. Unfortunately all I could find was the pixel byte form, so I converted that back to floats. Second, I examined Mihai's unmigrated stack from Halliburton's High Island 3D spec survey. I experimented first with the shallow faults, but these were confounded by multiples and the little dip present made the LOMOPLAN time slices in no way more interesting than those of the input data. A problem I had with the early times on this survey is that the crosslines had noticeable (but inexplicable) timeshifts from one line to another. Thus the crosslines, and hence the 3-D nature of the LOMOPLAN was not exemplified. The crossline problem was absent at later times. Since the computations were fairly demanding however, before results could be obtained I turned to learning the parallel computer, and got caught up with the good results I obtained elsewhere in this report with steep-dip deconvolution Claerbout (1993).

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Stanford Exploration Project