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Xtpanel Cole and Nichols (1992) was developed as a tool for adding a level of interactivity to existing batch seismic processing programs. From an xtpanel-built interface containing buttons, sliders, and other objects, a user can set the values of various processing parameters, then press a button that will launch a conventional background job. The job can be re-run from the panel, to try out different sets of parameters.

While this approach is simpler for the user than having to re-edit parameter files and launch the background jobs manually, it is not particularly efficient. The entire job must be re-run, including the re-reading of input data.

In this paper, we show how to use xtpanel from within a program, to add a greater degree of interactivity. As an example, xtpanel is used to control a data-cube viewing program. Sliders select the planes from the data cube that are displayed on its three faces.

In addition to describing this new use for xtpanel, this paper also summarizes the development of xtpanel since the last report, along with a discussion of what features may be added in the future.

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Stanford Exploration Project