INTRODUCTION This short note is intended for the fresh SEP-er. It is a collection of rules and SEP trivia that are obvious to any SEP student who spent more than a year working on our computers. Since many of the ``senior'' SEP students plan to graduate this year, we thought a formal introduction to our computing environment could be in place. The title is taken from a seminar handout given to the first author by John Etgen a long time ago ...
Home directory
The directory /homes/sep/username
also called your
``home directory'' contains mainly source files and text files,
generated using an editor. In other words, files that were
typed by you or by somebody else. The size limit is 250 Kbytes,
because it is assumed you don't have source code or text files
that exceed this size. If you do, you should split them into
smaller files as the generic rules of code writing
(Kernighan and Plaguer, 1978) recommend that code modules
contained in a single file should be in the 300-500 lines range.
The reasoning for keeping only small files that were generated
by typing in your home directory is that /homes/sep
backed up every day and all the files that changed since the
previous day are stored on disk. It would be a waste of
time and tape to back up executables that can be always
regenerated or data files.
To restore files that you changed one or two days before you
can use the command restoresep [1-2]
, which will
interactively prompt you to choose the directory and file
you want to restore.
Your home directory is not intended for storing
executables. Executables are kept on ``room devices,''
filesystems called /r0,/r1,...,/r5
in a directory
is your login name and
can be one of
or CM5
intended to keep Unix shells
which are machine independent.
Recently we have added a new rule to the ``hog shells'' (shells that run overnight and check for disk space usage) to delete object files in the home directory that were not accessed or modified for 15 days.
There are no mechanisms to enforce the policy of storing only small files in your home directory. The general principle at SEP is to keep all the system administration fascist interventions to a minimum. The truth is that system administrators are the first to exemplify the maxim that some grow with responsibility, others just swell.
The ``hog shells'' generate daily messages sent to the owners of the files exceeding the maximum size, reminding them of the location of the aforementioned reprehensible files. Such a message will look like:
From: Operator <root> Message-Id: <199404092320.AA19378@oas.Stanford.EDU> To: christin@sep.Stanford.EDU Subject: /home/oas/sep/christin/advance/rs6000/exe/SEPinput.exe Status: R You have large files on /sep, please check /var/sephogs and remove them.
Scratch space
The /scr[1-16]
directories are intended for large dataset
storage. The scratch disks are designated temporary disk
space and files residing on it
which are not modified or accessed in a given time period
are automatically erased. The time period is usually 7 days.
The body of SEP-datafiles is automatically placed on
a scratch disk when using seplib
utilities, unless
specified differently by a .datapath
file or
your DATAPATH variable. The default .datapath
file residing in your home directory usually defaults to a
scratch disk local to the machine that you are running on.
A typical .datapath
file will contain the following
scratch disk default locations:
datapath=/scr4/mihai/ oas datapath=/scr4/mihai/ pele datapath=/SDA/mihai/ robson datapath=/scr3/mihai/ spur datapath=/scr5/mihai/
The ``hog shells'' also keep track of the amount of space
left on the scratch devices and will notify the top four
users of the proportional amount of disk space occupied by
each of them. The message is also copied to dave, stew, mihai
together with a quote from Jon, intended to shame or just
instill solid guilt in the perpetrators...
Such an e-mail message will have the form:
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 1994 06:24:36 -0800 From: Operator <root> Message-Id: <199403091424.AA17142@oas.Stanford.EDU> To: dave@sep.Stanford.EDU, dimitri@sep.Stanford.EDU, jun@sep.Stanford.EDU, martin@sep.Stanford.EDU, mihai@sep.Stanford.EDU, stew@sep.Stanford.EDU Subject: space hogging on /scr Status: R You were singled out as a major hog on /scr. /scr is more than 85 percent full. /dev/id004c 836106 662652 89844 88% /home/oas/scr It is not rude to top the list occasionally, but do not top the list on successive days. -J. /dev/id004c 836106 662652 89844 88% /scr /scr/dimitri 201664 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX /scr/jun 198209 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX /scr/martin 147554 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX /scr/ftp 53931 XXXXXXXXX
Touching policy Though no ``official'' policy is in place regarding ``touching'' the scratch files, historically some students were threatened that if they were caught doing it repeatedly, their accounts would be suspended for one week.
Job priorities In the old days when a Convex C-1 was our main server, with all the students in SEP running jobs on the same CPU, there were more restrictions on the job size, length and priority. Nowadays the load is spread on tens of workstations and several bigger compute-servers and these rules are somewhat obsolete. We state them mostly for historical reasons, but also to create a basis for the new set of rules regarding running programs on our parallel computer, the CM-5.
The priority of the jobs on the Convex was established as a function of the estimated job length. The basic principle was that jobs longer then 10 minutes should be ``reniced'' (after 10 minutes) to priority 10. Jobs under 30 seconds were considered interactive, jobs between 30 seconds and 10 minutes were considered short, and jobs over 10 minutes were considered long. Interactive jobs could run at priority 0. Short jobs could run at priority 0 unless the load average was over 5 in which case the priority was changed to 4. Long jobs ran at priority 0 or 4 for the first 10 minutes and priority 10 afterwards.
In addition to the priority scheme a number of one-liners defined the rest of the job policy:
CM-5 The Convex c-1 was replaced several years ago by a Connection Machine CM-2 parallel computer which in turn was replaced by a CM-5. We do not have a definitive usage policy for the CM-5, though our experience so far is materialized in the following message which appears each time a user logs in:
********************************************************************** SEP CONNECTION MACHINE CM5 USER POLICY: Development time: Mon - Sat 10am to 10pm Production time: Mon - Fri 10pm to 10am Sat 10pm to Mon 10am Production: Multi-hour jobs which take up more than 50% of memory Development:Jobs which run less than 1/2 hour with most of memory and are not being run too often! -- OR -- Jobs which run less than 1 hour with no more than 50% of memory. People pushing these limits must be considerate of others: Don't submit multiple 50% memory jobs one after another if there are other people who want to run 50% memory jobs. Don't submit multiple >50% memory jobs in a short period of time. ********************************************************************** User signup for production jobs: user date & time time estimate ---- ----------- ------------- ********************************************************************** ATTENTION! The CM5 will go down every Tuesday 5am-7am for diagnostics. To disable the diagnostics for a particular week, type: NoCMdiag. **********************************************************************
We plan timely revision of our usage policy on the CM-5, trying to adapt it to whatever problems will appear in the future. So far though, keep in mind that the CM-5 is mainly a batch machine; it doesn't gracefully handle multiple large jobs. Two large jobs running simultaneously will interfere with each other and sometimes the total time to finish them will be four times longer than the sum of the separate runtimes. The CM-5 doesn't swap on disk, all the jobs are kept in core and therefore some large memory jobs will not fit unless the whole machine is allocated for their execution.
Scalable Disk Array (SDA) policy
The Scalable Disk Array (SDA) is the scratch disk for the CM-5.
It is intended to store only datasets that are strictly processed
with the CM-5. Actually the disk is mounted read-only by all
the other machines, with the obvious exception of the CM-5.
The autoerase policy is similar to the one on the /scr
disks, with a time limit of 15 days. Any files not
accessed or modified in a 15 day period are deleted.
The only exception to this rule are the files kept in
a directory starting with a capital letter.
The high-watermark of the filesystem is 85%, and the
e-mail system is activated when this limit is exceeded, generating
messages of the type:
From root Fri Feb 18 17:10:19 1994 Date: Sat, 19 Feb 1994 01:10:19 -0800 From: Operator <root> Message-Id: <199402190910.AA00190@pele.Stanford.EDU> To:,,,,, Subject: space hogging on /SDA Status: R /SDA is 86% full. You were singled out as a major HOG. Delete your unnecessary files from the SDA directory. It is not rude to top the list occasionally, but do not top the list on successive days. -J. /SDA/dimitri 3637456 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX /SDA/3D 3024112 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX /SDA/biondo 2302912 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX /SDA/mihai 1494768 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX /SDA/dave 1053392 XXXXXXXXXX /SDA/david 882640 XXXXXXXX /SDA/martin 814848 XXXXXXX /SDA/thorbjor 664256 XXXXX
Other miscellaneous information
The passwords used to login have a usable maximum length of
8 characters. Any characters after the first 8 are ignored.
Therefore it's not worth to have any password longer than
8 characters, because it is just extra typing.
On the other hand we try to crack our user's passwords every
month, and the shorter the password the easier to crack.
The recommended length of a password is hence 8 characters.
The password cracking program we run uses a 70000 word
dictionary, and it matches all the lower capital letters
to your password in a couple of minutes. For 24 hours
it tries to match different combinations. As a result, a better
password should contain special characters (!@#$%^&*()
numbers, and combinations of lower case and upper case. It also
helps if the basic word used to compose your password is not
found in English dictionaries.