SEP's purpose is to deliver fundamental research in reflection seismology to it's sponsors, and to some extent, the world at large. In the last few years SEP has attempted to use interactive CD-ROMs to facilitate this information passing Claerbout and Schwab (1995). This effort has proven to be somewhat successful, but has suffered from the requirement that the user must have one of our supported platforms (Sun, HP, and RS600). In today's world of powerful PC's and Macs this eliminates numerous possible users. In addition, SEP has suffered from a lack of interactivity in it's in-house plotting software vplot. Vplot has proven to be a powerful tool but is outdated. Java , a new programming language introduced by Sun in March, offers a potential solution to both these problems. To test the power of Java as an information passing and visualization tool we attempted to use Java to do what SEP tools have had trouble accomplishing. We used the Java language and Java Browser to: create an interactive demonstration of wavefields propagating through a medium; a web based slice viewer, similar to the old-style SEP Animator; and finally a Cube Viewer.