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- Barry, K. M., Cavers, D. A., and Kneale, C. W., 1975, Report on recommended standards for digital tape formats: Geophysics, 40, no. 2, 344-352.
- Claerbout, J. F., 1991, SEPlib and SEP software-computer: SEP-71, 283-286.
- Clapp, R. G., and Crawley, S., 1996, Fortran90: Introduction and use in 3-D geophysical problems: SEP-92, 365-384.
- Dellinger, J., and Tálas, S., 1992, A tour of SEPlib for new users: SEP-73, 461-502.
- Nichols, D., Karrenbach, M., and Urdaneta, H., 1994, What's new in SEPLIB?: SEP-82, 257-264.
Stanford Exploration Project