Up: Clapp & Claerbout: RATional
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Fortran is generally accepted as the most universal computer language
for computational physics.
However, for general programming,
it has been surpassed by C.
Ratfor is Fortran with C-like syntax.
Ratfor was invented by the Kernighan and Plauger1976,
the same people who invented C.
Ratfor uses C-like syntax,
the syntax that is also found in the popular languages
C++, Perl, and Java.
Ratfor source is approximately 25-30% smaller than the equivalent Fortran source,
so it is equivalently more readable.
Recently SEP has been shifting to the newest version of Fortran, Fortran90
Clapp and Crawley (1996); Fomel and Claerbout (1996).
Fortran90 allows for dynamic
memory allocation and adds useful programming features such as structures,
but still forces a verbose coding style.
To take advantage of Fortran90's new features,
while maintaining the concise coding style provided by Ratfor,
we wrote a new Ratfor preprocessor, Ratfor90,
which produces Fortran90 rather than Fortran77 code.
The newest Ratfor ``compiler'', Ratfor90,
is a simple word-processing program
in Perl and freely distributed
that inputs an attractive Fortran-like dialect and outputs Fortran90.
Up: Clapp & Claerbout: RATional
Previous: Clapp & Claerbout: RATional
Stanford Exploration Project