I use the acoustic wave equation for
transversely isotropic media with vertical symmetry axis (VTI media), to generate synthetic
VTI data for an anisotropic version of the
Marmousi model. This acoustic equation, though it represents a physically impossible medium, provides
an extremely accurate approximation of the widely used elastic wavefield.
The anisotropic Marmousi model has the same NMO velocity
as the original Marmousi model and an anisotropy
that possesses the same layering characteristics as the velocity model.
Interval spans the range of
0 to 0.27, which are values that are commonly observed in practice.
The traveltime and amplitude differences between the synthetic seismograms of
this new anisotropic model and
those produced by the original isotropic Marmousi data set are quite apparent. As a result, a prestack
isotropic migration failed to properly image the anisotropic data when using the exact original
velocity model.