- physical_model
- the physical-model data
This is the data we got from
(University of Calgary - FRP and CREWES jointly)
We got permission from them to include it in this distribution.
If you use this data in a publication you should let them know about
it beforehand and properly acknowledge them.
This is the data used in the abstract:
Prestack depth migration in TI media: examples with numerical
and physical modeling data, Dai, Cheadle, and Isaac,
GeoTriad convention 1998 abstracts, pages 83-84.
- elastic
- Amoco's synthetic elastic finite-difference version of their model.
Mike O'brien calculated this model using a fully elastic 2D finite-difference modeling
program of John Etgen's. Sam Gray and Bertrand Duquet provided the model dimensions
and parameters.
This data was used in the abstracts:
Anisotropic true-amplitude migration, by Fei, Dellinger, Murphy, Hensley, and Gray.
GeoTriad convention 1998 abstracts, pages 85-86,
and SEG abstracts 1998 pages 1677-1679.
- acoustic
- Amoco's synthetic ISOTROPIC acoustic finite-difference version of their model.
Mike O'brien calculated this model using an acoustic finite-difference modeling code
of John Etgen's, using the P-wave velocities of the corresponding elastic model.
(It uses the velocity normal to the layering in the anisotropic parts.) This version
of the model, calculated using a single velocity and an acoustic code, is of course
For some unknown reason in this version of the model the reflector at the base was
left out.