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- Cole, S., 1989a, Downward continuation analysis of passive seismic data: SEP-60, 97-108.
- Cole, S., 1989b, Scattering analysis of passive seismic data: SEP-61, 115-132.
- Cole, S. P., 1995, Passive seismic and drill-bit experiments using 2-D arrays: Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University.
- Nichols, D., Cole, S., and Zhang, L., 1989, An introduction to the SEP passive seismic dataset: SEP-60, 67-76.
- Nichols, D., 1989, Three dimensional slant stacks and elliptical moveout of passive seismic data: SEP-60, 77-84.
- Zhang, L., 1989, Reflectivity estimation from passive seismic data: SEP-60, 85-96.
Stanford Exploration Project