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- Brown, M., 1999, Texture synthesis and prediction error filtering: SEP-100, 211-222.
- Claerbout, J., and Brown, M., 1999, Two-dimensional textures and prediction-error filters: 61st Ann. Mtg., Eur. Assoc. Expl. Geophys.
- Claerbout, J.
- Geophysical Estimation by Example: Environmental soundings image enhancement:., 1998.
- Heeger, D. J., and Bergen, J. R., 1995, Pyramid-based texture analysis/synthesis: Computer Graphics Proceedings, 229-238.
- Mao, S., and Brown, M.
- Psych 267 final project - texture synthesis:., 1998.
- Simoncelli, E., and Portilla, J., 1998, Texture characterization via joint statistics of wavelet coefficient magnitudes: 5th IEEE Int'l Conf on Image Processing.
Stanford Exploration Project