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Class ij.process.ImageProcessor


public abstract class ImageProcessor
extends Object
Base class for ColorProcessor, ByteProcessor, ShortProcessor and FloatProcessor

Constructor Index

 o ImageProcessor()

Method Index

 o add(int)
 o and(int)
 o autoThreshold()
 o clear()
 o createImage()
 o crop()
 o drawDot(int, int)
Draws a dot using the current line width and color.
 o drawDot2(int, int)
Draws 2x2 dot in the current color.
 o enhanceContrast()
 o fill()
 o findEdges()
 o flipHorizontal()
 o flipVertical()
 o gamma(double)
 o getHeight()
 o getHistogram()
 o getLine(int, int, int, int)
Returns the pixels along the specified line.
 o getMask()
 o getMax()
For short and float images, returns the maxmum pixel value.
 o getMin()
For short and float images, returns the minimum pixel value.
 o getPixel(int, int)
 o getPixels()
 o getRoi()
 o getRow(int, int, int)
Returns the pixels along the horizontal line starting at (x,y).
 o getWidth()
 o hideProgress()
 o insert(ImageProcessor, int, int)
 o invert()
 o lineTo(int, int)
Draws a line from the current drawing location to (x,y).
 o log()
 o medianFilter()
 o moveTo(int, int)
Sets the current drawing location.
 o multiply(double)
 o noise(double)
 o or(int)
 o putPixel(int, int)
 o reset()
 o reset(int[])
 o rotate(double)
 o scale(double, double, boolean)
 o setColor(Color)
 o setLineWidth(int)
Sets the line width.
 o setMask(int[])
 o setMinAndMax(double, double)
 o setRoi(Rectangle)
 o sharpen()
 o showProgress(double)
 o smooth()
 o snapshot()
 o xor(int)


 o ImageProcessor
 public ImageProcessor()


 o showProgress
 protected void showProgress(double percentDone)
 o hideProgress
 protected void hideProgress()
 o getWidth
 public int getWidth()
 o getHeight
 public int getHeight()
 o getMin
 public double getMin()
For short and float images, returns the minimum pixel value. For byte and color images, returns 0.

 o getMax
 public double getMax()
For short and float images, returns the maxmum pixel value. For byte and color images, returns 255.

 o setColor
 public void setColor(Color color)
 o setMinAndMax
 public void setMinAndMax(double min,
                          double max)
 o setRoi
 public void setRoi(Rectangle roi)
 o getRoi
 public Rectangle getRoi()
 o setMask
 public void setMask(int mask[])
 o getMask
 public int[] getMask()
 o enhanceContrast
 public void enhanceContrast()
 o getLine
 public float[] getLine(int x1,
                        int y1,
                        int x2,
                        int y2)
Returns the pixels along the specified line.

 o getRow
 public float[] getRow(int x,
                       int y,
                       int length)
Returns the pixels along the horizontal line starting at (x,y).

 o moveTo
 public void moveTo(int x,
                    int y)
Sets the current drawing location.

 o setLineWidth
 public void setLineWidth(int width)
Sets the line width.

 o lineTo
 public void lineTo(int x,
                    int y)
Draws a line from the current drawing location to (x,y).

 o drawDot2
 public void drawDot2(int x,
                      int y)
Draws 2x2 dot in the current color.

 o drawDot
 public void drawDot(int xcenter,
                     int ycenter)
Draws a dot using the current line width and color.

 o getPixel
 public abstract float getPixel(int x,
                                int y)
 o putPixel
 public abstract void putPixel(int x,
                               int y)
 o getPixels
 public abstract Object getPixels()
 o insert
 public abstract void insert(ImageProcessor ip,
                             int xloc,
                             int yloc)
 o invert
 public void invert()
 o clear
 public void clear()
 o fill
 public void fill()
 o add
 public void add(int value)
 o multiply
 public void multiply(double value)
 o and
 public void and(int value)
 o or
 public void or(int value)
 o xor
 public void xor(int value)
 o gamma
 public void gamma(double value)
 o log
 public void log()
 o createImage
 public abstract Image createImage()
 o snapshot
 public abstract void snapshot()
 o reset
 public abstract void reset()
 o reset
 public abstract void reset(int mask[])
 o smooth
 public abstract void smooth()
 o sharpen
 public abstract void sharpen()
 o findEdges
 public abstract void findEdges()
 o noise
 public abstract void noise(double range)
 o crop
 public abstract Image crop()
 o scale
 public abstract void scale(double xScale,
                            double yScale,
                            boolean resizeImage)
 o rotate
 public abstract void rotate(double angle)
 o flipVertical
 public abstract void flipVertical()
 o flipHorizontal
 public abstract void flipHorizontal()
 o autoThreshold
 public abstract void autoThreshold()
 o medianFilter
 public abstract void medianFilter()
 o getHistogram
 public abstract int[] getHistogram()

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