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Class rsf.vector.Rsf


public abstract class Rsf
extends Object
implements Vector
Regularly Sampled Function

Often I want to treat all Rsf without knowing their dimensions. I think I want an Enumeration object of the Rsf.

See Also:

Variable Index

 o space
 o title

Constructor Index

 o Rsf()
 o Rsf(Rsf)
copy constructor
 o Rsf(RsfSpace)

Method Index

 o add(Vector)
this = this + vec2
 o add(Vector, Vector)
this = vec1 + vec2
 o addMul(Vector, Vector)
this = this + vec1 x vec2 (point-wise multiplication)
 o addMul(Vector, Vector, Vector)
this = vec1 + vec2 x vec3 (point-wise multiplication)
 o addScale(float, Vector)
this = this + a*vec2
 o addScale(float, Vector, Vector)
this = vec1 + a*vec2
 o copy()
 o copyFrom(Vector)
 o dot(Vector)
 o equals(Object)
Compares two Objects for equality.
 o fill(float)
 o getAxis(int)
getAxis(0) is the slowest axis
 o getDatum(int[])
 o getDimension()
 o getNSamples()
depreciated: use getAxis(int i).nsamples;
 o getPara()
 o getSpace()
 o getTitle()
The name of a data set changes as it is processed: consequently, a programmer should be able to conveniently set it.
 o mul(Vector)
this = this x vec2 (point-wise multiplication)
 o mul(Vector, Vector)
this = vec1 x vec2 (point-wise multiplication)
 o neg()
this = -this
 o neg(Vector)
this = -vec2
 o norm()
 o norm2()
 o rand()
 o rand(Random)
 o scale(float)
this = a*this
 o scale(float, Vector)
this = a*vec
 o setDatum(int[], float)
 o setTitle(String)
 o size()
 o sub(Vector)
this = this - vec2
 o sub(Vector, Vector)
this = vec1 - vec2
 o toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.
 o write(OutputStream)
 o write(String)
 o zero()


 o space
 protected RsfSpace space
 o title
 protected String title


 o Rsf
 public Rsf()
 o Rsf
 public Rsf(RsfSpace space)
 o Rsf
 protected Rsf(Rsf src)
copy constructor


 o copyFrom
 public abstract void copyFrom(Vector src)
 o equals
 public boolean equals(Object obj2)
Compares two Objects for equality.

equals in class Object
 o getDatum
 public abstract float getDatum(int i[])
int[] - i equals to internal java array storage: i[0] fastest. get/set Datum is for encapsulated access (alternative to direct access to x.d)
 o setDatum
 public abstract void setDatum(int i[],
                               float v)
 o getDimension
 public int getDimension()
 o getNSamples
 public int[] getNSamples()
depreciated: use getAxis(int i).nsamples;

 o size
 public int size()
 o getAxis
 public Axis getAxis(int i)
getAxis(0) is the slowest axis

 o zero
 public void zero()
 o fill
 public abstract void fill(float a)
 o rand
 public abstract void rand()
 o rand
 public abstract void rand(Random r)
 o mul
 public abstract void mul(Vector vec2)
this = this x vec2 (point-wise multiplication)

 o mul
 public abstract void mul(Vector vec1,
                          Vector vec2)
this = vec1 x vec2 (point-wise multiplication)

 o addMul
 public abstract void addMul(Vector vec1,
                             Vector vec2)
this = this + vec1 x vec2 (point-wise multiplication)

 o addMul
 public abstract void addMul(Vector vec1,
                             Vector vec2,
                             Vector vec3)
this = vec1 + vec2 x vec3 (point-wise multiplication)

 o norm
 public float norm()
 o getSpace
 public Space getSpace()
 o toString
 public String toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.

toString in class Object
 o getTitle
 public String getTitle()
The name of a data set changes as it is processed: consequently, a programmer should be able to conveniently set it. The name is property of the data itself, not of the space and or axes. However, the title is not part of the Rsf method r1.equals(Rsf r2)

 o setTitle
 public void setTitle(String title)
 o write
 public void write(String fileName)
 o getPara
 protected ParaKeeper getPara()
 o write
 public abstract void write(OutputStream outstr)

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