How did you first become interested in Reed and why do you think Reed might be an appropriate place, both socially and academically, to continue your education?

From your own literature I understand that Reed students are:

  1. -Self motivated and are active participants in their own education.
  2. -Willing to try something new.
  3. -Serious about their education.
  4. -Concerned about social issues.
From my friends and alumni I've talked to, I understand that Reed students are:
  1. -Really into coffee and sex --- but never together.
  2. -People who brood a lot and own too many black turtlenecks.
  3. -More than a little weird.
  4. -Dropping dead by the hundreds of obscure social diseases.
Clearly, there's a small disparity between what I hear and what I read. I have to ask myself, what would a Reed student do in this situation? They'd go to the college and make up their own mind. And that's just what I plan to do.

If there is some other question you wish we had asked, please ask it now and answer it here.

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