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Finding the prediction-error filter

filter ! prediction-error

The first stage of the least-squares estimation is computing the prediction-error filter. The second stage will be using it to find the missing data. The input data space contains a mixture of known data values and missing unknown ones. For the first stage of finding the filter, we generally have many more fitting equations than we need so we can proceed by ignoring the fitting equations that involve missing data values. We ignore them everywhere that the missing inputs hit the filter.

The codes here do not address the difficulty that maybe too much data is missing so that all weights are zero. To add stabilization we could supplement the data volume with a ``training dataset'' or by a ``prior filter''. With things as they are, if there is not enough data to specify a prediction-error filter, you should encounter the error exit from cgstep() [*]. pefestimate PEF on a helix

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Stanford Exploration Project