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MSPef - Multi-scale PEF estimation

MSPef < in.H a= center= gap=0 ns= jump= [maskin=] [maskout=] > pef.H

Estimates a multi-scale PEF. Works in N dimensions

from history integer array n reads n1 , n2 , n3
from par integer array a = PEF size
  integer niter =2*prod(a) (optional) number of PEF iterations
  integer array center PEF centering
  integer array gap =0 PEF gapping
  integer ns number of scales
  integer array jump comma separated list of scales, e.g. 1,2,4
  filename maskin, maskout (optional) data selectors

Modules: mspef.r90 , misinput.r90 , mshelix.r90 createmshelixmod.r90 , print.r90

See also: MSMiss Pef

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