An example of a geophysical problem with n>1000 is a missing seismogram. Deciding how to handle a missing seismogram may at first seem like a question of missing data, not excess numbers of model points. In fitting wave-field data to a consistent model, however, the missing data is seen to be just more unknowns. In real life we generally have not one missing seismogram, but many. Theory in 2-D requires that seismograms be collected along an infinite line. Because any data-collection activity has a start and an end, however, practical analysis must choose between falsely asserting zero data-values at locations where data was not collected, or implicitly determining values for unrecorded data at the ends of a survey.
A numerical technique known as the ``conjugate-direction method'' works well for all values of n and is our subject here. As with most simultaneous equation solvers, an exact answer (assuming exact arithmetic) is attained in a finite number of steps. And if n is too large to allow n3 computations, the iterative methods can be interrupted at any stage, the partial result often proving useful. Whether or not a partial result actually is useful is the subject of much research; naturally, the results vary from one application to the next.