None of us is an expert in both geophysics and in optimization theory (OT), yet we need to handle both. We would like to have each group write its own code with a relatively easy interface. The problem is that the OT codes must invoke the physical operators yet the OT codes should not need to deal with all the data and parameters needed by the physical operators.
In other words, if a practitioner decides to swap one solver for another, the only thing needed is the name of the new solver.
The operator entrance is for the geophysicist, who formulates the estimation problem. The solver entrance is for the specialist in numerical algebra, who designs a new optimization method.
The Fortran-90 programming language allows us to achieve this design goal by means of generic function interfaces.
A generic solver subroutine solver() is shown in module
It is simplified substantially from the library version,
which has a much longer list of optional arguments
rr = - dat
if( present( x0)) { stat = oper( F, T, x0, rr) # rr <- F x0 - dat
x = x0 # start with x0
else { x = 0. # start with zero
do i = 1, niter {
stat = oper( T, F, g, rr) # g <- F' rr
stat = oper( F, F, g, gg) # gg <- F g
stat = solv( F, x, g, rr, gg) # step in x and rr
if( present( res)) res = rr
module simple_solver {
logical, parameter, private :: T = .true., F = .false.
subroutine solver( oper, solv, x, dat, niter, x0, res) {
optional :: x0, res
interface {
function oper( adj, add, x, dat) result (stat) {
integer :: stat
logical, intent (in) :: adj, add
real, dimension (:) :: x, dat
function solv( forget, x, g, rr, gg) result (stat) {
integer :: stat
logical :: forget
real, dimension (:) :: x, g, rr, gg
real, dimension (:), intent (in) :: dat, x0 # data, initial
real, dimension (:), intent (out) :: x, res # solution, residual
integer, intent (in) :: niter # iterations
real, dimension (size (x)) :: g # gradient
real, dimension (size (dat)) :: rr, gg # residual, conj grad
integer :: i, stat
(The forget parameter is not needed by the solvers we discuss first.)
The two most important arguments in solver()
are the operator function oper,
which is defined by the interface from Chapter ,
and the solver function solv,
which implements one step of an iterative estimation.
For example, a practitioner who choses to use our new
for iterative solving the operator
would write the call
call solver ( matmult_lop, cgstep, ...
The other required parameters to solver() are dat (the data we want to fit), x (the model we want to estimate), and niter (the maximum number of iterations). There is also a couple of optional arguments. For example, x0 is the starting guess for the model. If this parameter is omitted, the model is initialized to zero. To output the final residual vector, we include a parameter called res, which is optional as well. We will watch how the list of optional parameters to the generic solver routine grows as we attack more and more complex problems in later chapters.