Think of any real numbers x, y, and f
and any program containing x=y/f.
How can we change the program so that it never divides by zero?
A popular answer is to change x=y/f
to , where
is any tiny value.
,then x is approximately y/f as expected.
But when the divisor f vanishes,
the result is safely zero instead of infinity.
The transition is smooth,
but some criterion is needed to choose the value of
.This method may not be the only way or the best way
to cope with
zero division,
but it is a good way,
and it permeates the subject of signal analysis.
To apply this method in the Fourier domain,
suppose that X, Y, and F are complex numbers.
What do we do then with X=Y/F?
We multiply the
top and bottom by the complex conjugate ,and again add
to the denominator.
![]() |
(1) |
X=Y/F, to filtering with ,which is called ``matched filtering.''
Notice that for any complex number F,
the phase of 1/F equals the phase of ,so the filters have the same phase.