Imagine a 3-D PEF and through the ``1.0'' put a plane that has an infinitesimal tilt so as to get all zeros on one side of the plane and all fitting coefficients are on the other. Figure 3 shows the volume of free coefficients of the three-dimensional prediction-error filter . The top plane is the 2-D filter seen earlier. The top plane can be visualized as the area around the end of a helix. Above the top plane are zero-valued anticausal filter coefficients.
Figure 3 Three-dimensional prediction-error filter. | ![]() |
Module lagtable constructs
a linear subsript of filter lags along the helix
from the 3-D cartesian description.
To print out the cartesian form of a helix filter,
you can use module
module lagtable { # Find 3-D PEF filter coef locations on a helix.
subroutine table3( n1,n2, lag1,lag2, a1,a2,a3, aa, lag) {
integer, intent (in) :: n1,n2, lag1,lag2, a1,a2,a3
real, dimension (:), pointer :: aa # prepare for helicon.
integer, dimension (:), pointer :: lag # prepare for helicon.
integer :: i,j, i1,i2,i3, na
na = (a3-1)*a1*a2 + (a2-lag2)*a1 + (a1-lag1)
allocate ( aa( na), lag( na)); aa = 0. # a(lag1,lag2,1) = 1.
do i3 = 1, a3 {
do i2 = 1, a2 { if( i3 == 1 .and. i2 < lag2 ) cycle
do i1 = 1, a1 { if( i3 == 1 .and. i2 == lag2 .and. i1 <= lag1) cycle
i = i1-lag1 + (i2-lag2)*a1 + (i3-1)*a1*a2
j = i1-lag1 + (i2-lag2)*n1 + (i3-1)*n1*n2
lag( i) = j # a(i1,i2,i3)
module format {
subroutine print3( n1, n2, lag1, lag2, a1, a2, a3, aa, lag) {
integer, intent( in) :: n1, n2, lag1, lag2, a1, a2, a3
real, dimension( :), intent( in) :: aa
integer, dimension( :), intent( in) :: lag
integer :: ia, i1, i2, i3, i
real, dimension( a1, a2, a3) :: filt # cartesian filter
filt = 0.; filt( lag1, lag2, 1) = 1.
do ia = 1, size( lag) {
i = lag( ia) + lag1 + ( lag2-1)*n1 - 1
i1 = mod( i , n1)
i2 = mod( i/n1 , n2)
i3 = i/(n1*n2)
filt( i1+1, i2+1, i3+1) = aa( ia)
write( 0, *) "----------------------"
do i3 = 1, a3 { # loop over planes
if( i3 > 1) write( 0, *) "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
do i1 = 1, a1
write( 0, "(10f7.3)") filt( i1, :, i3) # print filter row
write( 0, *) "----------------------"
A reasonable arrangement for a small filter is a1=5 a2=3 a3=2 lag1=1+a1/2=3 lag2=1+a2/2=2. I set all the filter coefficients to 2 except for a(3,2,1)=1. Then I invoked print3. The output is:
0.000 0.000 2.000
0.000 0.000 2.000
0.000 1.000 2.000
0.000 2.000 2.000
0.000 2.000 2.000
2.000 2.000 2.000
2.000 2.000 2.000
2.000 2.000 2.000
2.000 2.000 2.000
2.000 2.000 2.000
where i1 runs vertical, i2 runs horizontal in a block, i3 jumps between blocks.