The median is the 50-th percentile.
After residuals are ordered from smallest to largest,
the 90-th percentile is the value with 10% of the values
above and 90% below.
At SEP the default value for clipping plots of field data
is at the 98th percentile.
In other words, magnitudes above the 98-th percentile
are plotted at the 98-th percentile.
Any percentile is most easily defined if the population
of values ai, for i=1,2,...,n
has been sorted into order so that for all i.
Then the 90-th percentile is ak where k=(90n)/100.
We can save much work by using Hoare's algorithm which does not fully order the whole list, only enough of it to find the desired quantile. Hoare's algorithm is an outstanding example of the power of a recursive function, a function that calls itself. The main idea is this: We start by selecting a random value taken from the list of numbers. Then we split the list into two piles, one pile all values greater than the selected, the other pile all less. The quantile is in one of these piles, and by looking at their sizes, we know which one. So we repeat the process on that pile and ignore the other other one. Eventually the pile size reduces to one, and we have the answer.
In Fortran 77 or C it would be natural to split the list into two piles as follows:
We divide the list of numbers into two groups, a group below ak and another group above ak. This reordering can be done ``in place.'' Start one pointer at the top of the list and another at the bottom. Grab an arbitrary value from the list (such as the current value of ak). March the two pointers towards each other until you have an upper value out of order with ak and a lower value out of order with ak. Swap the upper and lower value. Continue until the pointers merge somewhere midlist. Now you have divided the list into two sublists, one above your (random) value ak and the other below.Fortran 90 has some higher level intrinsic vector functions that simplify matters. When a is a vector and ak is a value, a>ak is a vector of logical values that are true for each component that is larger than ak. The integer count of how many components of a are larger than ak is given by the Fortran intrinsic function count(a>ak). A vector containing only values less than ak is given by the Fortran intrinsic function pack(a,a<ak).
Theoretically about 2n comparisons
are expected to find the median of a list of n values.
The code below (from Sergey Fomel)
for this task is quantile.
module quantile_mod { # quantile finder. median = quantile( size(a)/2, a)
recursive function quantile( k, a) result( value) {
integer, intent (in) :: k # position in array
real, dimension (:), intent (in) :: a
real :: value # output value of quantile
integer :: j
real :: ak
ak = a( k)
j = count( a < ak) # how many a(:) < ak
if( j >= k)
value = quantile( k, pack( a, a < ak))
else {
j = count( a > ak) + k - size( a)
if( j > 0)
value = quantile( j, pack( a, a > ak))
value = ak
An interesting application of medians is eliminating noise spikes
through the use of a running median.
A running median is a median computed in a moving window.
Figure 2 shows depth-sounding data from the Sea of Galilee
before and after a running median of 5 points was applied.
The data as I received it is 132044 triples; i.e.,
(xi,yi,zi) where i is measured along the vessel's track.
In Figure 2 the
depth data zi appears as one long track
although the surveying was done in several episodes that
do not always continue the same track.
For Figure 2 I first abandoned the last 2044
of the 132044 triples and all the (xi,yi)-pairs.
Then I broke the remaining long signal into
the 26 strips you see in the figure.
Typically the depth is a ``U''-shaped function as
the vessel crosses the lake.
You will notice that many spikes are missing on the bottom plot.
For more about these tracks, see Figure .
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